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Wednesday 31 August 2011

choti bahu 30 august 2011 written updates/choti bahu serial updates

The episode starts at Dada ji’S ROOM, All the family is assembled in Dada ji’s room and a doctor is checking him and as he goes Radhika and Barka enter Radhika dev look at each other and Dev nods with a tiny smile as if reassuring Radhika and she looks at him the down tearful and Bharkha with her head bent.DD is observing all this and he softly tells everyone I want to talk to Barkha and Radhika alone Dev and all become serious and Dai  says you speak later as you are not well now and doctor also says the same thing saying there is lot of weakness in your body and Dev also looks a bit relieved says yes DDg 1st you get well we can talk later its very important that you get well.Adamant DD says I told you I have to talk now and dai starts but and Padma puts a hand on her shoulder restrains and shakes her head saying no don’t and she nods at the doctor and all go out Mohini shakes head head at Virat and they also go out. Dev is the last one to go he looks loving at Radhika and she tearfully looks down .Bh looks at Dev looking at Radhika . Radhika to DD don’t I even have the right to ask about your health .He replies if you don’t have the right then no one else will have and Radhika relieved runs to him and sits down near him and asks him how are you He replies showing his chest I am having a peculiar pain here and looks like it will leave me and I cannot tolerate more Radhika is concerned and worried and firmly says no DDg you will not talk like this and DD says I am telling the truth. do you know what my age is and Radhika says if you talk like this I will go away from here DD says ok I wont say sit near near and then Radhika slowly comes back.
 DDg as Radhika sits beside him you know Radhika how deeply I am affectionate towards you. Radhika nodding mechanically DD continues I have so much trust on you ,you know as much trust I had on you I also had on her showing Barkha and she looks down Radhika seriously nodding but he made a game of my trust on her I request you to tell me the truth why this happened Bharkha comes in saying what happened is all because of me what could I do I could not see two lovers parting that’s why I did this please forgive me I am at fault and Dev and Radhika are not at fault Bharkha has a pleading looking and Radhika is tearful and looking down and DD with a stern egoistical look says I know Radhika is innocent blameless she looks up and Bharkha looks down DD continues but always a innocent person gets punished for the faulty person(still going on doing Adaram and Paap) Radhika sad and Bharkha says I don’t understand DD looks at her and says Radhika will have to pay for your mistake and Radhika has a stoic expression on her face and Barkha stunned DD pursues his lips and says we cannot announce, declare Radhika as Dev’s wife and Radhika closes her eyes with tears and accepts DD’s judgment. DD continues she will have to leave this house and go Bharkha openmouthed and stunned and Radhika saying ok DDg your wish is my command very sad with folded hands .DD expression with a satisfied tryant look as if he got what he wanted. Bharkha pleads with a adamant looking DD do not take such a decision don’t separate Dev and Radhika let them stay together punish me but don’t punish them
DD says you will also get punished you will have to marry dev and take up the responsibilities of R pine post .radhika and Bharkha stunned and Radhika as if accepting everything but Bharkha fighting what are you saying RADHIKA DEV are married .She pleads to Radhika don’t keep quiet and accept everything and as she is sitting quietly and then says so you are thinking RADHIKA DEV marriage is Adaram but what you are going to do is Adharam and as the Adament egoistic DD looks at her Radhika says Barkha and sternly says you know you are talking to RPg Bharkha says no I am talking to Dev’s DD.With tears in her eyes but firmly Radhika takes Bharkha aside and tells her cant you see he is not completely recovered and I will not let anyone hurt him Bharkha says but Radhika interrupts all are thinking you and Dev are married and coming to see you and if they come to know the truth everything will be lost Bharkha lowers her head. DD watching. Bharkha says for this you are ready to sacrifice your relation your entity I am not married to dev our name was just printed on the invitation card. And for this you are telling your marriage did not happen.Radhika says how can I accept this marriage when the priest who was chanting the mantras was thinking it was you and Dev babu how can I accept that marriage
She looks down and goes to DD sits down on the floor kneeling and tearfully smiles swallowing her hurt sadness and tears with a smile says in a voice which is shaking with sadness don’t worry DD I will leave this house and go.but you will also have to promise me that you will get well .you have to see him becoming an Rajpruhit you have to teach him how to follow RPship you have to listen to GD’s poems and set right BB now DD also having tears in his eyes looking at Radhika trying to come to terms with her situation and trying to boost him up BHarkha just looking stunned and sad. Finally she stops and all her anguish on her face .


 his lecture for Dharam I am doing all this and what face I will show to God when I go u. Radhika says no DDg see I have accepted your word laughing and you also be happy Bharkha looks at both of them sort of expression and wipes her eyes and nose.DD says to Radhika saying can you do something for me Radhika smiles widely wiping her tears what DDg and he says take me to the drawing hall she says you are unwell I will call everyone here and the adamant DD says no Radhika I have to announce something as RP so I have to go there .Radhika nods and Barkha unhappy.
Mansaram’s house
A pandit is sitting in their house and predicting the future of Chanda and Mansa working with his threads.Chanda is asking tell her more and that Pandit is saying by Chaitra(hindu month) your marriage will be over and both mother and daughter happy and giggling and smiling Pandit says every Thursday give one yellow flower to cow and it will help in increasing relations.Chenu comes going around them and saying samosas you said mother there was no money in the house for tea also Shanti scold him cant you see there is someone with a match keep quiet and both Chanda and Shanti smiling at and the pandit also suddenly Chenu says sister has to come baba looking at his father and Shanti gets angry why you have taken the name of that ill fated cant you see Pandit has come with a match for your sister and asks the pandit you have brought a match for my daughter and he says yes takes a name Devi Prasad Sharma and tells he is 12th pass and both mother daughter happy and Shanti taunts Mansa take away that inauspicious look away from your face and listen to the pandit . Mansa is listening and the pandit says you are going to that village where he has a big house and Mansa gets angry and comes there and tells the smiling and happy mother daughter while Chenu is making a face why don’t you ask the age of that person .Pandit says 1 or 2 more years above 40 and the smiles of both Chanda and Shanti are wiped out and Chenu’s eyes pop out.Mansa shouts not 1 or 2 years but he is 48 and has a son the age of Chenu . Shanti bursts out gajgire you have brought a second marriage proposal for my flower like daughter get up and run otherwise I will beat you so much that you will never get proposals for any girls and takes out a broom to beat him and that Pandit taunts and goes what do you think you will get a prince for your daughter.Shanti says so what I am not dead I will see and .chanda has a crying face and Shanti placates her saying don’t cry I am there.Mansa says Chenu give my gamcha and Shanti cant you see that your daughter is sad, Chenu brings he puts it and goes out telling Chenu he will be back by evening. Shanti is fuming.
All are there RP, Padma, Mohini are seated and rest are standing in the hall RP asks where is Dev and Padma tells him he has gone out to send off the doctor but why did you come out I would all have come there Just then Badibahu also comes there . RP I have to tell you all something that’s why I came out Radhika with a sad stoic face BHarkha serious and then Virat goes and stands beside his mother.RP continues what I want to tell you maybe you will not approve but whatever decision I have taken you have to accept it.Radhika very sad. In the RP family we always have to safeguard dharma that’s what we have been taught since childhood,Padma is nodding her head, and we have been inspired to do that so that’s why to safeguard that we cant accept Radhika as Devs wife Radhika is standing with a griefstricken look head bowed Padma (Mohini surprised )GD, Barkha sad other with different expressions and BadiBahu pleased. Now immediately dev will be married to Barkha and in the evening muh dikayi will be Dev and Bharkha all are shocked and sad except Badi bahu Virat and Dai. Bharkha says Radhika may agree but I oppose this decision and Radhika looks at her shocked Dev says I also oppose this decision and RP looks shocked at them.Dev and Rp stare at each other Dev firm and RP shocked and all others shocked BR smiling BB looking at the drama Dai disapproving Radhika with tears looks at Dev.
PRECAP Dev saying whatever happens I wont leave my Dharmapatni she she leaves the house I will also leave with her in a stern firm voice all including RP shocked and Radhika watching Dev with a equally stern face BB happy with the drama BR also happy.

uttaran 30 august 2011 written updates/uttaran serial updates

In the biginning of the episode, Damini brings the newspaper to Ichcha when she is teaching kanha tumhi maata pita… Shlok. He repeats nicely after her. Ichha sees the paper and sends kanha out to get flowers. She asks Ammu what to do as she is confused and cannot think. Damini flashbacks her conversation with veer and says it’s her marriage so she needs to decide herself. Ichcha says she has some time and she will think but now she needs to meet some clients for insurance policy.

 Chanda sees everyone quiet and thinks after Ichcha and tapu left there is nothing exciting in this house for her, just then veer comes down happy and asks for blessings to bring back house happiness, Umed guesses veer is bringing Ichcha back. Mai blesses him and dada says he will ask for forgiveness and then feel better.

 Nani is sitting in tapus room when dai ja brings pooja thali there praying etc. Nani in her rude tone asks about the servants where they are as tapu needs coffee and no one bothers to see her. Dai ja says she came but beendni was sleeping then. She mentions about rituals of the house that bahu should get ready and do Pooja and only then eat. Nani says that they are the elders of this house and their blessings are always with tapu so why bother about rituals. Dai ja says bahu is the Lakshmi and needs to follow practices otherwise who will do those? Nani then very rudely says that Lakshmi of the house has headache and you are talking about rituals? And Rathod himself came a thousand times to Marry tappu, so you better get coffee for her first. She goes away saying everyone is behaving as if they are the masters , dai ja is visibly upset.

 Ichcha is shown walking house to house for selling policy but no one buys, veer is shown not able to concentrate on his work and lost in icchas thoughts. Madura notices that.she said to clients that today sir is not feeling well .she tells to veer i'll see all that . veer go out to meet iccha.

 Ichcha comes to the restaurant and does not find veer. She thinks he always comes before time. Then she notices Avinash and assumes that this might be his trap to take revenge from her and decides to leave. There veer asks the driver to rush. Ichcha while leaving gets bumped by someone which catches avinashes attention. Ichcha is worried.
Precap: Ichcha running out of the restaurant and hiding, Avinash looking for her. Veer walking towards the restaurant with his umbrella, even when there is not much rain :-)

Tuesday 30 August 2011

uttaran 29 august 2011 written updates/uttaran serial updates

 The episode starts with jogi,Jogi's car gets stuck and he sees damini on the road waiting for an auto in the rear view mirror. He gets down and calls her name. She sees him and starts walking away. He follows and catches up and asks her if she is so angry that she did not hear him calling her. She says nothing. Jogi says if she forgot everything of 20 years, she has given so much to his house, took care of tapu and managed Divya and him, and he thinks he has a right to know why she is evading him.
Damini says she did not want to complain to him about his wife but now that he is in front of her she cannot control herself. She says she bore all insults from every member of his family for 20 years yet kept quiet but when her character was questioned she could not stop herself. She goes onto saying that he should ask thakurain if her duties for 20 years were not good, or if she replied back ever for all of nani and Pushkars cheap insults, in fact she gave away her daughters suhaag dress on her wedding day too, whether all this was not enough to malign her character?
Jogi is apologetic but Damini says he has no need to ask for forgiveness infect she joins her hands and says she is sorry that she thought she could be family with thakurs. She should have understood that difference and she and her daughter have lost a lot because of that. Her daughter lost her family and her husband only because she wanted to bring out the truth about tapu. She says she will never forget how jogi gave Ichcha a fathers love, but now there is no looking back.
She mentions how last time he had a heart attack when she tried to leave and that’s why she left without a word this time. She suggests not to come looking after them. She goes in an auto while jogi says from behind that veer has realized his mistake and that tapu does not live with him anymore.then damini sit in  riksha and go from there
 Damini comes home and is upset she insulted jogi in the middle of market and told everything which she hasn’t told Ichcha either. She feels bad that jogi did so much for them and yet she could not control her emotions and anger.
 Tapu is sleeping while rathod is getting ready. He goes and kisses her on the forehead, she wakes up and asks him about early readiness. He says he always wales up early exercises and has meetings. He will be back for lunch and that they have to go for a party the dress for which is with dai ja. He does mention if she would come with him to the party but before she could say anything he takes it as a yes. He then plants another kiss on the forehead saying now she is awake, she smiles and he leaves.
 Nani comes in all praises for the kingly rathod. She tells tapu how he is authoritative and how she feels she married tapu to a prince. She goes on praising rats about his hospitality for her. She asks tapu about where she went yesterday which she evades. Nani advises tapu to not be so careless now even if rathod loves her lots she needs to be sincere in the relationship. She compares rathod with Veer Singh Bundela that he did not have courage to make decisions and to keep relations, for every small thing he looked out for Mai or Ichcha. A husband should be like rathod, tapu gets a headache with nanis words and decides to get coffee. Nani asks her to get ready and behave like a queen. She says she will check on her coffee.
 Damini is in queue for milk as she spent the night thinking about Divya and jogi, and could not wake up on time. Kanha must be troubling Ichcha for milk and she is so late. She buys milk and then runs behind the previous person in queue to give back his paper. She spots ichchas photo and the message.
Precap: damini shows the newspaper to Ichcha and she reads the message.

choti bahu 29 august 2011 written updates/choti bahu serial updates

the episode starts with Maheswari  saying to Virat, “the real fun will start when Mudikhai will happen” virat asks will there be any ceremony when Dada g’s condition is like this? She tells “if its in my hands even before Dada g gets up i’ll arrange the mudikhai, so that even the society knows what his favorite Grandson has done!, married the girl who already entered the house as Rohan’s wife without getting married” She says because of radhika today we are living as servants in our own house, now the society will make her the servant in our house. Virat asks but how will we benefit from this. Maheswari says we will benefit but we should be careful and know about what’s happening around…saying she goes to the cubboard and takes a biscuit packet from there and even give gives it to Virat, but GD and Mohini just enters in…Seeing the packet in Maheswari’s hand he asks how can she eat when Babu g is in this state…Maheshwari says if they starve woulds Babu g will become alright?…but GD snatches the packet from her, Mohini laughs, Mohini starts her blabber and hints GD that there are more in Cubboard, GD goes to the cubboard and takes all the food items outside…Maheswari raises her hand at mohini but Mohini runs from there.
Amba is standing in Dev’s room, Padma sees her calls…Abma says i wanted to talk to dev, in the absence of RPji and as the future RP he has to take some right decision. Padma asks decision for what? Amba says about the evening mudhikai ceremony. Padma says even i am worried about that but what happened we have to accept it. Dev comes to the room removing his coat and he listens Abma saying…How can we give the right Radhika as Dev’s wife? Dev says why not daima!! he walk to them and says She is my wife. she has the full right and it my Pathi dharam to give her that right…Amba says u remember the Pathi dharam but u dont know the dharam of a son? u dont remmeber RP’s dharam! who is responsible for RPji’s condition? ( dev is restless and uneasy hearing her words)even after so much happened u cant see his breaking breaths!! u only see ur Love! i dont recognize this swarthi Dev….This is not that Dev now whom i raised…
Amba says he is paraya. He finally comes forward and says dont say like that, u know how much Dada g is imortant to me, u know i want his hand to bless me always u dont have to tell me that…but also think of from my side one side its Dada g and the other side its the girl whom i married infront of sacred fire, if i break the ties with her wont that be called a adhram, Amba says this marriage was done on a lie, even the sacred fire got apavitra …hearing this Padma shakes her as if not accepting…Dev is frowning as looking at Amba…Amba says u wont get blessings from anybody, not from the family and nor from the crores of gods in the heaven....
Dev turns his back and says We were told lies, but we thought it was truth, our souls were pure. and now nobody can question this Marriage as false…MY life’s biggest truth is this! that Radhika is my wife( padma has tears)…and nobody can deny this truth not family members ( turns back to Amba, looking into her eyes with stern looks) nor the crores of God sitting in the heaven.
” Na ghar ke loag, na swarg mein baithe thainthees karod devatha”
Amba says till now u we had seen the sanskar in u, but today u lost all that, its not ur fault its mine that i could not give u right sanskars and leaves from there…Dev stands with his bent head, Padma looks at Dev helpless and walks from there.
Radhika is at the mandhir of the house. She’s crying and asks Kahna not to punish Dada g for her deeds. and prays to make him alright . Radhika says i’ll the jaap till Dada g opens his eyes. Barkha leaves from there.
Radhika is doing the Jaap. Barkha enters Dada g’s room. she sits on the bed flows her tears, she says ” he trusted her so much but she broke his trust, she lied to him, she says ” to forgive her, but whatever she did was for the happiness of DevRadhika…u dont know in the childhood…she stops there and thinks of Radhika’s promise…and says it loud that Radhika took the promise from me, if u also knew that truth then u would also say that what i did was right…Radhika is doing jaap with taking any food, U have to get well DDg…
Jaap is going on, BG music is playing…a pleasant flute plays…Dada g slowly moves his finger and opens his eyes very slowly…Barkha smiles and calls out loud…GD comes in, she asks him to call doc…nurse comes in and Barkha runs to Radhika to tell the news…
Barkha calls Radhika says Dada g opened his eyes, Radhika feels happy and looks at kahna…she gets up…Barkha says i think the medicines are working and he will get well soon and this is all because of ur prayers.( Radhika closes her eyes wiht satisfaction and happiness, tears flowing from her eyes)…Barkha says he wil surely accept u…( at once Radhika's smile vanishs hearing that)…Barkha says i’ll talk to him, but u have to take ur promise back…Radhika frowns her eyes. because this time i’ll tell Dada g about ur childhood marriage…Radhika gives her a stern look holds her hand and drags her from there. The camera zooms to the idols of RadhaKrishna.
Radhika and Barkha are in a room. Radhika in tears…says what type of wood ur made of…dont u see because of our marriage Dada g had a heart attack, cant u understand that this is all because of u…and now u want when Dada g is conscious u want to tell him about the childhood marriage…Barkha i thought u as my best friend but what u did with me…Barkha says i did, i did as i friend, for ue happiness…Radhika asks Is this happiness, today Dada g is on death bed, my family is grieving and u call this as happiness?…
Radhika asks why u did this to me, why u lied to me? why did u say that Dada g accepted our marriage? why u made me to take blessing from Dada g by cheating?…barkha says i didnt think my lie will take this far…Radhika says ur this lie has made me sinful, adharmi, today because of u there is a mark on our realation which will not wash away…How will i face Dada g…The Dada g who believed me so much and today he doesnt want to see my face…I can bear all this, but the condition in which Dada g is there because of me i cannot see that…
Barkha asks Radhika to forgive and she didnt think that things will go this way…i wanted to bring happiness though this lie, but this lie has taken away all the happiness…but u only tell me Radhika u shall i do? there no penance for this mistake, what has happened! happened. Radhika wipes her tears and with stern voice says Ur right Barkha what has happened! has happened, but this problem has solution. The solution is that Mine and Dev babu’s marriage truth will not come forward. the truth which was under the ghunghat while the phere will not come infront of the world.
Barkha is stunned and says what are u saying, its my fault, and i’ll ask Dada g for forgiveness. why ur spoiling ur future,what u have got is after the yrs of penance, the right of ur KK’s sindoor. . .Radhika asks on what price? not on the price of Dada g’s life…Barkha says Dada g will get alright radhika! then we’ll make him understand…Radikah says even if u make him understand ur lie wont turn into truth…Barkha says okay it wont change, but the truth will remain truth only na? can u forget ur marriage with Dev? Radhika says i only know that anything on the basis of Lie is only adharm…Barkha says sometimes in life somethings are more greater than dharam Radhika!. Radhika says ur right barkha, somethings are greater than the dharam but today Dada g’s life is more important, and his that desicion which will save RajPruhithi… Dada g’s respect is more important for me than my marriage .........
screen freezes on Radhika.
precap: DDji( on the bed lying, very weak) asking Radhika( sitting on the bed beside DDg) how this happened, Barkha comes and says this is all because of her lie. DDg says but Radhika has to pay for this…and he says Radhika has to leave the house…Radhika closes her eyes…( as if she has accepted).

Saturday 27 August 2011

uttaran 26 august 2011 written updates/uttaran serial updates

The episode Starts with rathod filling tapus maang with sindoor. Tappu remembering veers words about not starting a relationship with lies and that whether she is doing this marriage for reasons other than love for rathod.
Pandit concludes the wedding with ashirwad from elders.
They show dai ja and Divya giving blessings. Dai ja then drops tappu to rathods room which is his favorite and decorated nicely by her.

 Jogi see the pic of iccha and tapsaya's childhood and become emotional. Divya comes home and asks a sentimental silent jogi if he wdnt ask her what happened. She said tapu was missing him and everything went well, except kanyadaan coudnt happen. She knows how much he misses and loves tappu, but jogi without saying anything goes away. Divya notices Ichcha tapu children pic in which they are very friendly besides jogis bed which jogi was lost in.

 Tapu enters the room, which looks very simple with a bed and a table as furniture. Some colorful lights on the walls and a tall standing lamp. It also has large sized 15 photos of tapu all across on the walls. She gets very happy seeing her pics and realizes that she always shared her parents love and never got love from veer. She forgot sids love, anyway, she then thinks how mr Rathod has always loved her and she doesn’t talk properly to him.
Mr Rathod comes inside and tells her ceremony was short accd to the situation but it was nice. Had jogi come it was better but atleast her mom came. Then he says she told him about veer out of her heart but just before marriage she went to see him only? She begins to say something but rathod says forget it and tonite is beautiful and he doesn’t want any misunderstandings or complaints and wants to remember it forever. He knows how tough is to forget the past. And yet they are married.
He gives her a big ring and she says thanks and is happy. He says he will take care of everything she wishes, and she needs to take his and houses responsibility. He reminds her of the first time they met when she gatecrashed his party and gave him money with attitude. Between then and now she is looking most pretty as a bride now. He says he wants no questions or sorry or thankyou between them. He then says I love you for motivation such that she reverts back. She says I love you too very distractedly.
Then he tries to kiss her but she stops him saying she remembers her daughter. Rathod gets upset but controls his anger and patiently tells her that they need to put that behind, not forget but look forward in life. She agrees and apparently they consummate the marriage.
They show a happy tapus pic and freeze.
Precap: damini sees Ichcha's photo when the customer before her forgets to take his paper and she runs behind him to give him the same. 

yeh rishta kya kehlata hai 26 august 2011 written updates/yeh rishta kya kehlata hai serial updates

Epi starts with Naitik talking over the phone with mohit telling him he shudnt have got angry and come he shud understand her situtation too and tell him to come home along nandini
Ai living room kanaha's murti is kept, rajbana comes and tell gayatri abt the decoration and murti is very preety just then Bhabima comes talking over the phone and tell Rajbana that Dadaji is coming back by tonite’s train so send the car and naitik comes and tell its gr8 to hear that dadaji is coming back
just then akshara enters with boy i.e avi and he hides behind akshra seeing all members and naitik and all ask who is he so she expalins that she found him at entrance and go near sitting area in the hall and naiitik and rajbana decide to take him to police station bt he reuses and is holding on to akshra so naitik takes his pic and send to the police and informs dem to find their parents

Ananya is in kanhaji getup (luking very cute) shaurya taking snaps and anushu comes with wierd expression and varsha says dis year like we have ananaya akshra will hv her own baby

Gayatari & Bhabima say we’ll bring something for the boy and go inside the kitchen
and meanwhile akshra is playing with avi and naitik comes after calling and happy to see akshra happy and just then avi tell he want to use the washroom and akshra takes him
at kitchen Bhabima and gayatari making milk for avi and telling it feels like laddo gopal himself has appeared and they hear some noise outside and come out and see rashmi and she tells nikhil is back and den she tells nikhil abt akshra's pregnanacy and they congratulate bt akshara and naitik find something fishy when nikhil greets naitik and he informs he resigned the job as der ws lot of travelling from one city to another so for rashmi i did and for my mom also
gayatari says ok tell we’ll get something for both of u and Bhabima and gayatari leave
rajabana too leaves saying he’ll the police abt the boy and tells naitik to continue taliking to nikhil while rashmi tell akshara to show the decoration
Nikhil and naitik are alone nikhil makes a call while sitting with naitik, he isnt talking to naitik so he goes
While showing the decoration akshara  tells today ma is very happy u knw since u went she remeberes u so much and even ur dada. rashmi tells even my in laws loves alot she never left me alone a single day then she say why during rakhi dada complained abt nikhil that he left me and went, i felt so bad and today nikhil left the job bcoz of me now wat will dada say? akshara says ,they are saying like dis b'coz he did for u good only and she see naitik overhearing dis and he leaves
Rajabana informs dat still they havent found the boy’s parents and rashmi sees the kachori and asks for chutni and gayatari asks didnt do fast? she said no then Nikhil rashmi r leaving as nikhil’s friends r waiitng for him bt gayatari says its rivaj that son-in-law must eat and only then leave bt they refuse and akshra tell please dont go stay for while and nikhil says ok bhabhi and tell he’ll call and tell his friends and gayatari scolds rahmi for wearing sleveless dress and coming here and rashmi says this the way my mother In law wants me to be so and anyways one day or the other Dadji will knw and gayatari keeps quiet
then akshra says she’ll feed avi and takes him goes and naitik also goes
akshra bring the palte and avi is hidding behind the chair so she says where is avi? ok now if avi doesnt eat i’ll eat she gonna take one mouth and avi comes running and eats and he takes one piece and feed akshra and wipes his face with akshra's sari
and runs and akshra sees naitik coming and sitting in bench in living room she goes der and ask wat happend he said i wanted the happiness of my small sister bt she didnt understand that. Akshra says she is small so she didnt understand just forget that ,today is joyful day and half ur day went bad bcoz of me i didnt eat then got angry u wer joking for making me feel better bt i got angry so sorry and naitik says no no i am sorry its my mistake i shud understand ur problem and both hug and avi comes from back he moves naitik and hugs akshra gives a look(stay away) and naitik says someone is not liking me to be around u and both laugh and gayteri sees
Precap: Akshi doing the aarti of the Avi as he is in kanahaji's roop

choti bahu 26 august 2011 written updates/choti bahu serial updates

The episode starts with Radhika lighting up a diya in front of Kanha. Then she leans against the pillar (she is sitting on the floor) and tells Kanha that she has lighted up this diya for Dadaji. Until he regains consciousness, she won’t eat anything or drink a drop of water. Then she cries brokenly and leans her head against the pillar. Dev is standing behind Radhika and listening to all this.
Padma comes to the temple and she has compassionate look on her face. She asks Dev and Radhika to eat something as both haven’t eaten anything since the morning. Dev refuses and says that he has promised to be with his wife in every situation. So until Daidaj regains consciousness, he too won’t eat or drink anything. Radhika listens to this and is even more upset. Padma then quietly goes away after seeing this demonstration of love from Dev for Radhika.
She comes to Dadaji’s room where doctor is as usual unsure about Dada’s condition until he becomes conscious again. Dev and Radhika also follow Padma where Radhika is leaning against the door in despair. Dai looks at her with hate and there is action replay . Dev and Padma follows them.
Then Dai starts her tirade. That they all worried about her happiness and that RP couldn’t sleep for days worrying about her future . And that Radhika in her obsession to get Dev killed all their love and faith in her .
Padma is shaking her head at Dai’s word and Dev walks up to Dai and tells her to stop saying such things and wait for Dada to be conscious again. Otherwise, her bitter words are breaking up Radhika completely. Then Maheswari appears along with Mohini and Virat and murmers that he is only worried about Radhika and why did she sit quietly with veil in the mandap.
Then creatives’ favorite character pops in and tells firmly that it was due to her advise that Radhika sat quiet. So Barkha the savior takes all the blames and tells them not to point fingers at Radhika as Radhika didn’t know anything. She lied to Radhika and to Dadaji that Radhika was willing to get married to someone else. That”s why Dada gave Radhika his blessings. Dev has helpless expressions on his face  and Radhika is getting angry at Barkha. Finally, she steps forward and slaps her on the face. Then she runs away while Barkha is stunned.


Radhika runs away after looking accusingly at Barkha. Then Maheswari turns on Barkha and starts her sarcasm again. She tells Barkha that both she and Radhika played a great game. First they did all that drama and now are acting innocent. She had told Barkha not to do this while she was being tied . If she (Maheswari) had able to stop that wedding, then this wouldn’t have happened and Dada wouldn’t be in this condition. Barkha turns on her and answers back that it was not a disaster that Badibahu was calling. What happened was a holy union. As far as Dada is concerned, everyone knows about BadiBahu’s fake concern for Dada.

Maheswari gets mad at Barkha and then Dev tries to intervene but is silenced by Dai . Dai tells Dev with anger that how many people he would silence. Because of them (Radhika and Barkha), the protector of dharam, RP is hovering close to death .

Barkha then takes over and tells Dai that she made a mistake and Dada’s condition is delicate. But what she did, was not adharam. That everyone is blaming Radhika and saying that she didn’t do any sacrifices or gave up things for the family. How many more sacrifices does she need to make . For RP legacy, she chose to give up her love Dev and decided to marry Rohan …she came as a DIL despite not being Rohan’s wife so that she could do good for the family. She tolerated all tortures of Rohan and blah blah…Dev lowers his head, Padma looks stricken and Dai’s expressions are incomprehensible  .

Barkha further continues if they are all unaware that Radhika has only loved Dev. Then Barkha channels more of Dev’s dialogues and continues that Radhika gave up her love but it was Barkha who gave this relationship a name of holy union. So it is not adharam. Because if it was, the protector of dharam RP Dada wouldn’t have been able to bless the union or the veil would have lifted before the pheras were completed or the fire would have extinguished .

Dai then tells Barkha sternly that all this talk doesn’t hide the fact that Barkha lied in order to make this marriage happen. Then Dev speaks up in Barkha’s defense and states that you are only seeing Barkha’s lies. You don’t see what those lies have done. She didn’t care for her self-respect or her marriage and she didn’t care for the society either. Maheswari is looking cynical at this, Dai is looking unimpressed with her stone face and Padma is throwing apprehensive looks.

Barkha continues that the society is made of people like them and society rules are made to stop the wrongs but not to commit wrongs  where two lovers are separated. Maheswari grabs Barkha and asks her who is she to decide right or wrong  and Barkha replies that she is the part of this society. Why was the society silent when the BB was poisoning Dada and keeping him handicapped . Maheswari is silenced and Mohini is nodding with approval.

IN THE Part 3

So Barkha continues with her dharam and adharam talk and Padma puts a stop to it by saying that this is the not the time as RP’s condition is delicate and they all need to pray rather than argue like this . Padma continues that if something happens to RP, then Radhika and Dev’s relationship would have a bad mark forever. Padma continues that people would point fingers at Radhika. She was already called unlucky and now she would be called a kalankini . Dev looks up at that and Maheswari is happy. Then everyone leaves except for Barkha and Dev.

Barka is unhappy at the events and Dev walks to her and tells her brokenly that her one lie gave a new life to Dev as he got Radhika. But he can’t even thank her in these circumstances. Dada gave his blessing to them the day before after pheras but it was in deception. Once Dada becomes well and gives them a real blessing, then things would become alright. But if something happens to Dada, then both Dev and Radhika would die . Dev looks grief stricken and walks away while Barkha stares at him.

Then the scene shifts to Radhika who is leaning against the door of Dada’s room and praying to Kanha to make him well. She is looking pretty broken. Dev walks in and looks at Dada’s unconscious figure and then looks at Radhika. Then he tries to assure Radhika that she shouldn’t lose hope and very soon Dada would become well.

Then he leans against the other door and looks at Dada and starts talking about his childhood memories of Dada. He tells Radhika that his best memory of Dada is when he was very young and he had become extremely sick. That time he had been so sick that he had lost consciousness. Dai and Padma had become fearful of his health and only Dadaji was there for him who was taking care of him. He would sit with Dev all night to take care of him. Whenever Dev would gain consciousness or would wake up, he would only see Dada’s face. So he became convinced that Dada would never leave him alone. No matter how many problems came, he would never leave him (Dev) alone. Then Dev turns to Radhika who is still feeling low that assures her that Dada would never leave them alone. Once he regains consciousness, he is sure that they would be able to persuade him (Dada). But Radhika is not convinced and she shakes her head and cries even more bitterly. Then runs away from the room. Dev has tears in his eyes while looking at Dada lying on the bed. Barkha comes to the room and Dev looks at her. He then turns his face and walks away from the room leaving Barkha alone with Dada.

IN the Part 4

Barkha walks up to Dada’s bed and looks at him sadly and walks away. Then next she goes to Padma’s room who is sitting sadly on the bed. She sits next to her and tries to put her hand on top of Padma’s to console her. Padma snatches her hand away and walks to a different corner of the room.

Anyway Barkha starts pleading with Padma that she thought that Dada would melt after seeing Dev and Radhika’s happiness and she would ask for forgiveness. She never realized that she would cause such problems and everyone would have tears in their eyes. Then she justifies her lies by citing gurukul teachings. that a lie is not a lie if it is meant to do good. Padma now melts for Barkha . Barkha is on her sob story how her best friend Radhika is angry with you and she (Barkha) is scared of going in front of Radhika. Then she pleads with Padma to persuade Dada as she is the mother. Also she wanted Radhika as the Choti Bahu and went with shagun of Dev to Radhika’s house.

Padma then tearfully tells Barkha that she knows the cost of maintaining the “prestige” of this family. Also there is going to be formal muhdikhyai in the evening with all the important religious and society figures coming for the function. What would she tell them? This fear is the one that brought Dada’s condition. On one side is Dada’s bad condition and if what he feared becomes truth, how will they face that situation . Barkha sits down and starts crying and the episode ends.

Friday 26 August 2011

uttaran/uttaran serial written updates 25 august 2011/uttaran serial updates

The episode Starts with tappu blaming veer for her lost child. Veer looks at her and says stop fooling yourself Tapasya. Then tappu again tries to make veer feel guilty by saying that he never saw any goodness in her, and that if he understood her and her love he would not throw her out with her small girl.
Veer says she should be standing in front of rathod and not him. Does she even know why she is marrying : is it love for rathod or to show that she can move on to veer or to satisfy her ego? She says he never saw any goodness in her, and that nobody can clap with one hand. And that whatever she is today is because of him, he is responsible for the state she is in today. Veer looks at her in disbelief, and the look was this girl is mad, and there is no use even wasting 1 sec on her. He simply walks away and drives.
Tappu is left insulted yet again, evident from her teary eyes.
 Avinash is at a newspaper office to get the ad printed, and thinks so long as simple people like veer exist he will not have any troubles. He changes the time from 6:30 to 6:00 pm.
 Veer is extremely excited back in his office that Tapasya has gone away from his life forever and now he is positive that Ichcha will be back and then no more troubles for them he decides to thank Madura and calls her. He thanks her for instill positivity and that she is very nice and Ichcha will like her too, he just hopes Ichcha will forgive him.
 Pandit calls for tapu and rathod and Divya ask Nani to bring her. As nani is scared Divya taunts that if this time tapu does anything wrong due to her support she will blast her. Everyone is waiting. Rathod flashbacks about the chance he gave to Tappu about disclosing anything to him before marriage as there is no looking back. Nani comes down alone, and is about to tell Divya about tapu. Then tappu shows up at the door.
Divya tappu hug and crying by tappu. She asks about jogi and Divya says we will talk later. She needs to get married first as everyone had been waiting for her. Tappu very disinterestingly with a fake 1 sec smile sits down for the wedding rituals.
 The last 5 minutes had the song O re khuda…playing with tappu Rathod wedding, and veer Ichcha in each others thoughts. Veer is back home standing by a window and so is Ichcha in green dress. Both are thinking about each other . In the other hand tappu is also lost perhaps in thinking what all she lost so far in her life and how veer has only insulted her and how she always lost everything to Ichcha. She gets married to Rathod but is not shown happy at all. Rathod is happy so is dai ja nani and Divya, but Rathod is also thinking something.
It ends with Rathod, tapu, veer and Ichcha split on the screen. Rathod and tapu are looking at each other, and veer and Ichcha are seeing each other.
Precap: Ammu shows Ichcha the newspaper ad with a pic of Ichcha that’s kept in veers office and the ad with I am sorry message.

choti bahu 25 august 2011 written updates,choti bahu serial updates

IN The biginning of the episode,RP is holding the railings and muttering that everything has now been destroyed. Dev walks up to him and says very calmly that they got married only after taking his blessing and that they are not to be blamed. He continues that Radhika is his wife and she should not be blamed for all this. Dev continues that he does not know what was in Barkha’s mind when she lied to RP but he knows one thing that by doing this she has done a big favour to both of them and even if Barkha has lied  then he is very happy with it because he has got his Radhika .
. In Barkha’s house she is talking to her mother and wondering that what is happening at RP mansion. That first everybody might be surprised but then everything should be ok. She continues saying that Radhika’s Kanha should have handled it and further says that Dev is RP’s favourite grandson and he also loves Radhika a lot. In fact Chotima also wanted Radhika as the DIL. Barkha smiles and says that it will be interesting to watch Maheshwari and maybe by now some servant in the RajBhawan might have freed her. Barkha’s mother looks at her and remarks that does she think that after what she has done the Purohits will accept everything and whether the RP will reconcile with everything (Barkha is looking worried and her mother shakes her head as no). Barkha continues that Dev and Radhika have got married after following all the traditions and rituals and that she knows Dev will never let Radhika be parted from him
In the Purohit Bhavan Dev continues arguing for Radhika. He fires at RP that how can he question Radhika’s sincerity and truthfulness (Radhika has a pleading look) and that Radhika only decided to sit for this marriage because Barkha told her that the RP wants Dev and Radhika to get married. Maheshwari lands there (her hair is all over the place and she is every angry) and continues that she will tell them what else Barkha did (everyone is surprised to see her). Badibahu tells them that she had got to know that it was Radhika under the ghunghat but Barkha tied her to a chair, gagged her and then locked her in a room so that she does not stop the wedding (It still beats me how Barkha managed that). It was only in the morning that people arrived at the muth and set her free. Then badi bahu looks at Radhika and smiles sarcastically and claps her hand saying that Radhika was in cahoots with Barkha in all this (Radhika shakes her head in no and Dev is getting furious) and who would have thought that someone with such innocent expression would have played such a game (Radhika closes her eyes in humiliation and tears stream down her face) and that Radhika is a wolf in a sheep’s clothing and she has also acts like that (Radhika is standing there helplessly).
Dev walks up to Maheshwari and says that whatever happened we were not aware of anything. Badi bahu smirks and retorts that is he finding this funny? Barkha lied and gave her wedding clothes to Radhika and Radhika did not know anything? (Radhika is worried and Dev is looking at her). Badi bahu then walks up to Padma and asks her that she was present in the wedding but did she realize that it was Radhika under the ghunghat? Padma give her apprehensive look and nods her head as no and then Badi bahu asks the same question to Mohini who also replies no. Badi bahu then gets on her high horse and says that because Radhika was sitting there quietly (arreh do brides dance disco during their marriage…sorry I had to comment) and she did not let the ghunghat slip from her head, that is why no one realised (RP looks up) . Badi bahu continues that this is because Radhika is also with Barkha in all this (Radhika with tears in her eyes is looking on). Dev shouts at badi bahu to stop her ranting and that he is not going to listen anymore to any other word against his wife Radhika (and RP’s head goes up) and Padma tells Dev off for talking back using raised voice. Padma tries to control badi bahu and tells her to calm down and that RP will take the decision. Badi bahu charges again and asks her that how many mouths will she shut up? Padma is back to her apprehensive mode and badi bahu continues that if people get to know that Radhika was under the ghunghat then everyone will be spitting on them  and she also says that the RP in front of whom people are even scared to say anything, people will come and spit on his face .She further continues then you can go on telling people that because of someone lies this marriage happened but is this some kind of joke. Dev is getting frustrated and now he says in a very stern voice that Barkha’s one false statement will not change the fact that he has got married to Radhika, (further raising his voice ) and blasts off that Radhika is the Choti Bahu of this house (RP still clutching on to the banister looks up) and if the society does not accept Radhika as his wife then he will not live in this society .If marrying Radhika will not allow him to become RP then he does not want to become a RP (Radhika with a dazed look is looking at Dev and RP is gaping and shaking his head).He also blasts that he is ready to leave everything  and then Dev faces Radhika, turning his back to others and says that he will not leave Radhika . Dev continues that the vachans that he gave in front of the holy fire are the most important things in his life and he does not care for the fingers of the society pointing at him (RP is now seriously heaving and gulping air and now his hand starts shaking). Dev turns to Radhika and says that it is more important to him what his faith, dharma, belief and existence tells him (Radhika is looking at him) and that his marriage to Radhika has taken place following all the rituals and traditions (Padma with tears in her eyes in looking at Dev) and then with an angry look he walks towards RP and says that this bond of marriage is more important to him than any relationship that he has with the Rajpurohiti . Dev is in full flow and he continues that the relationship that he has with Radhika is more important than any other relationship in his life (RP now clutching his arm and chest and it is Radhika who noticed the change in him). Radhika runs towards him shouting his name and RP raises his hand and says no. Padma and all the others rush towards him only badi bahu and Radhika are left behind and Radhika is standing with a distressed look.

Now in Barkha’s house she is again back with her mother and saying that people in that house must be angry with her and specially RP because he trusted her and she has taken advantage of that trust. She continues that she will face all that because she is knows that everything is fair in love and war and that nothing is greater than love. The phone rings and Barkha picks it up and its Mohini on the phone. Mohini tells her that there is a big situation at home and that everyone knows that Radhika used wrong means to get married to Dev  and Mohini further tells her that they have all got know that Radhika stopped Barkha from getting married to Dev and now RP has got a heart attack. Barkha whispers to her mother that dadaji has got a heart attack and her mother’s eyes have become like rasgullas. Mohini continues that once RP gets well they all will punish Radhika in such a way that she will never forget it in her life. Barkha rushes out and her mother has got Padma’s apprehensive look on her face.
 In RP’s room the doctors are monitoring him, Dev is angry and standing there and Radhika is leaning against the door and crying. Padma is apprehensively looking at Dev, then the monitors and finally at RP. Badi bahu marches in and drags Radhika away and tells her off saying that what did she think that once RP gets the heart attack then there will not be anyone in this house to stop her. Radhika with a distressed look says that why is she telling her all this. Badu bahu continues that everyone knows what a big liar and drama queen Radhika is. Last time when she came in as Rohan’s wife then she also did drama and that by getting married to Dev she has played a nice game and till how long will she go on playing her games (Radhika is distressed and she is crying) and does she want to take each and every one’s life in this house . Radhika closed her eyes in pain and Dev walks in stopping badi bahu and tells her that there is a limit to everything and then tells her that he has already told her this and is repeating it again that he will not listen to any word (Radhika runs away in distress) against his wife and it will be better if she goes away (Badi bahu glares at Dev). Badi bahu angrily tells him that to remember that Radhika does not go in front of RP . Badi bahu walks off and Dev turns to look for Radhika. He realizes that Rdahika has run away somewhere and chases after her. 
Barkha is in the car and she is talking to herself and asking Radhika to forgive her and says that whatever has happened is her fault and she has lied knowingly and if anybody should get any punishment them it should be her. Radhika runs to the temple and tells her Kanha that RP should get well otherwise his follower will get such a bad name that will not be possible to be removed ever. Dev walks in and sees Radhika crying and praying that RP gets well. He walks up to her and tells her that she will not get bad name. Radhika hugs him like a little girl and asks him that whether RP will get better? Dev has a dazed look on his face and tells her softly that she has told her Kanha so RP will get well. Radhika now says that it is all her fault and that she should have understood.
Radhika is crying and saying that she should not have believed Barkha because she should have realized that once RP has said that his marriage is adharma then why he will give the permission. Dev tries to make her understand that she should not be blaming herself. This marriage happened because it was there in their destiny and if the marriage is adharm then would her Kanha have allowed this to happen. Radhika crying profusely looks at Dev and tells him that during grihapravesh chotima had told her that this house’s happiness and respect all depends on her and look she is so unlucky that as soon as she came in this happened. Dev looks at her with pain in his eyes and then softly turns her towards him and holds her face in his palms and tells her that he knows how lucky she is. Then with a piercing look he glances at Radhika and asks her that whether she remembers his 8th vow that he gave during their marriage, that he will not move back from any of his promises and that from that moment his life starts and ends with her (dai walks in). Radhika is crying and Dev is looking at her with a determined look . Dev continues that whatever happens they both will face it together. Dev realizes that daima was standing there and he says that he knew that whether anybody supports him or not he knew that daima will support him and he walks towards her and daima raises her hand and stops him. Radhika is surprised by this action and she looks intently at daima. Daima continues that today he also misunderstood her and that her loyalty and trust was always with RP and always will be and nothing is as important to her than RP’s name (Dev and Radhika are both staring at her) and that when RP gave him as a baby to daima he also told her to teach him about dharm, adharm, traditions and customs and what has he done today? Dev walks up to daima and softy asks her what has he done? is it adharm that he is not breaking the vows of marriages that he took in front of the holy fire. Daima continues that in order to fulfill ones dharma one has to rise above relationships and that this relationship is based on a lie and she will not support him. Dev is shattered and Radhika is distressed that for the first time a wall has risen up between Dev and daima and she is the reason behind all this,
Precap- Dev is telling Padma that he has promised that he will always support his wife and till RP gets well he will not eat or drink anything.