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Saturday 27 August 2011

choti bahu 26 august 2011 written updates/choti bahu serial updates

The episode starts with Radhika lighting up a diya in front of Kanha. Then she leans against the pillar (she is sitting on the floor) and tells Kanha that she has lighted up this diya for Dadaji. Until he regains consciousness, she won’t eat anything or drink a drop of water. Then she cries brokenly and leans her head against the pillar. Dev is standing behind Radhika and listening to all this.
Padma comes to the temple and she has compassionate look on her face. She asks Dev and Radhika to eat something as both haven’t eaten anything since the morning. Dev refuses and says that he has promised to be with his wife in every situation. So until Daidaj regains consciousness, he too won’t eat or drink anything. Radhika listens to this and is even more upset. Padma then quietly goes away after seeing this demonstration of love from Dev for Radhika.
She comes to Dadaji’s room where doctor is as usual unsure about Dada’s condition until he becomes conscious again. Dev and Radhika also follow Padma where Radhika is leaning against the door in despair. Dai looks at her with hate and there is action replay . Dev and Padma follows them.
Then Dai starts her tirade. That they all worried about her happiness and that RP couldn’t sleep for days worrying about her future . And that Radhika in her obsession to get Dev killed all their love and faith in her .
Padma is shaking her head at Dai’s word and Dev walks up to Dai and tells her to stop saying such things and wait for Dada to be conscious again. Otherwise, her bitter words are breaking up Radhika completely. Then Maheswari appears along with Mohini and Virat and murmers that he is only worried about Radhika and why did she sit quietly with veil in the mandap.
Then creatives’ favorite character pops in and tells firmly that it was due to her advise that Radhika sat quiet. So Barkha the savior takes all the blames and tells them not to point fingers at Radhika as Radhika didn’t know anything. She lied to Radhika and to Dadaji that Radhika was willing to get married to someone else. That”s why Dada gave Radhika his blessings. Dev has helpless expressions on his face  and Radhika is getting angry at Barkha. Finally, she steps forward and slaps her on the face. Then she runs away while Barkha is stunned.


Radhika runs away after looking accusingly at Barkha. Then Maheswari turns on Barkha and starts her sarcasm again. She tells Barkha that both she and Radhika played a great game. First they did all that drama and now are acting innocent. She had told Barkha not to do this while she was being tied . If she (Maheswari) had able to stop that wedding, then this wouldn’t have happened and Dada wouldn’t be in this condition. Barkha turns on her and answers back that it was not a disaster that Badibahu was calling. What happened was a holy union. As far as Dada is concerned, everyone knows about BadiBahu’s fake concern for Dada.

Maheswari gets mad at Barkha and then Dev tries to intervene but is silenced by Dai . Dai tells Dev with anger that how many people he would silence. Because of them (Radhika and Barkha), the protector of dharam, RP is hovering close to death .

Barkha then takes over and tells Dai that she made a mistake and Dada’s condition is delicate. But what she did, was not adharam. That everyone is blaming Radhika and saying that she didn’t do any sacrifices or gave up things for the family. How many more sacrifices does she need to make . For RP legacy, she chose to give up her love Dev and decided to marry Rohan …she came as a DIL despite not being Rohan’s wife so that she could do good for the family. She tolerated all tortures of Rohan and blah blah…Dev lowers his head, Padma looks stricken and Dai’s expressions are incomprehensible  .

Barkha further continues if they are all unaware that Radhika has only loved Dev. Then Barkha channels more of Dev’s dialogues and continues that Radhika gave up her love but it was Barkha who gave this relationship a name of holy union. So it is not adharam. Because if it was, the protector of dharam RP Dada wouldn’t have been able to bless the union or the veil would have lifted before the pheras were completed or the fire would have extinguished .

Dai then tells Barkha sternly that all this talk doesn’t hide the fact that Barkha lied in order to make this marriage happen. Then Dev speaks up in Barkha’s defense and states that you are only seeing Barkha’s lies. You don’t see what those lies have done. She didn’t care for her self-respect or her marriage and she didn’t care for the society either. Maheswari is looking cynical at this, Dai is looking unimpressed with her stone face and Padma is throwing apprehensive looks.

Barkha continues that the society is made of people like them and society rules are made to stop the wrongs but not to commit wrongs  where two lovers are separated. Maheswari grabs Barkha and asks her who is she to decide right or wrong  and Barkha replies that she is the part of this society. Why was the society silent when the BB was poisoning Dada and keeping him handicapped . Maheswari is silenced and Mohini is nodding with approval.

IN THE Part 3

So Barkha continues with her dharam and adharam talk and Padma puts a stop to it by saying that this is the not the time as RP’s condition is delicate and they all need to pray rather than argue like this . Padma continues that if something happens to RP, then Radhika and Dev’s relationship would have a bad mark forever. Padma continues that people would point fingers at Radhika. She was already called unlucky and now she would be called a kalankini . Dev looks up at that and Maheswari is happy. Then everyone leaves except for Barkha and Dev.

Barka is unhappy at the events and Dev walks to her and tells her brokenly that her one lie gave a new life to Dev as he got Radhika. But he can’t even thank her in these circumstances. Dada gave his blessing to them the day before after pheras but it was in deception. Once Dada becomes well and gives them a real blessing, then things would become alright. But if something happens to Dada, then both Dev and Radhika would die . Dev looks grief stricken and walks away while Barkha stares at him.

Then the scene shifts to Radhika who is leaning against the door of Dada’s room and praying to Kanha to make him well. She is looking pretty broken. Dev walks in and looks at Dada’s unconscious figure and then looks at Radhika. Then he tries to assure Radhika that she shouldn’t lose hope and very soon Dada would become well.

Then he leans against the other door and looks at Dada and starts talking about his childhood memories of Dada. He tells Radhika that his best memory of Dada is when he was very young and he had become extremely sick. That time he had been so sick that he had lost consciousness. Dai and Padma had become fearful of his health and only Dadaji was there for him who was taking care of him. He would sit with Dev all night to take care of him. Whenever Dev would gain consciousness or would wake up, he would only see Dada’s face. So he became convinced that Dada would never leave him alone. No matter how many problems came, he would never leave him (Dev) alone. Then Dev turns to Radhika who is still feeling low that assures her that Dada would never leave them alone. Once he regains consciousness, he is sure that they would be able to persuade him (Dada). But Radhika is not convinced and she shakes her head and cries even more bitterly. Then runs away from the room. Dev has tears in his eyes while looking at Dada lying on the bed. Barkha comes to the room and Dev looks at her. He then turns his face and walks away from the room leaving Barkha alone with Dada.

IN the Part 4

Barkha walks up to Dada’s bed and looks at him sadly and walks away. Then next she goes to Padma’s room who is sitting sadly on the bed. She sits next to her and tries to put her hand on top of Padma’s to console her. Padma snatches her hand away and walks to a different corner of the room.

Anyway Barkha starts pleading with Padma that she thought that Dada would melt after seeing Dev and Radhika’s happiness and she would ask for forgiveness. She never realized that she would cause such problems and everyone would have tears in their eyes. Then she justifies her lies by citing gurukul teachings. that a lie is not a lie if it is meant to do good. Padma now melts for Barkha . Barkha is on her sob story how her best friend Radhika is angry with you and she (Barkha) is scared of going in front of Radhika. Then she pleads with Padma to persuade Dada as she is the mother. Also she wanted Radhika as the Choti Bahu and went with shagun of Dev to Radhika’s house.

Padma then tearfully tells Barkha that she knows the cost of maintaining the “prestige” of this family. Also there is going to be formal muhdikhyai in the evening with all the important religious and society figures coming for the function. What would she tell them? This fear is the one that brought Dada’s condition. On one side is Dada’s bad condition and if what he feared becomes truth, how will they face that situation . Barkha sits down and starts crying and the episode ends.

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