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Tuesday 11 October 2011

choti bahu 10 october 2011 written updates/choti bahu serial updates

Part 1:
The episode begins with Dev about to leave the house gets interrupted by Daima asking him where he is going this early; to which Dev replies “Radhika has not yet returned and I am getting very worried about her. I am going to go look for her”…Barkha who is walking by, overhears the conversation and is fuming.

Barkha brings Radhika’s belongings to the yard (including thepeacock feather and the bansuri)and muttering that “Radhika, I will irradiate your belongings, your name from this house and from Dev’s heart” pours gasoline on the clothes and lights it, with a sly smile on her face. Just then daima walks in to the scene asking “what are you doing Barkha? Why are you doing this? How dare you do this?” and starts dousing the fire. Barkha trying to manipulate daima, states in a very sorrowful voice that “She is doing all this for the good of Dev; so that Dev can start forgetting Radhika, and start concentrating on his responsibilities as a RP, fulfill dadaji’s dream etc..” Daima yells at her that, “no one does this even after a person is dead and Radhika has only left the house due to some misunderstanding and she will return. Dev-Radhika bond is far above the cycle of life and Dev will never forget her; such acts will not help. Dev will never forget Radhika….their relationship can never be broken”…Barkha is really upset at daima and vows that she will have to something about this “naukarani” who dared to say things to her, Barkha, the rajpurohitain.
Scene changes to kitchen:
Conniving Barkha enters the kitchen and sees a servant getting ready to take cup of tea for daima; distracting the servant and asking him to fetch a dal container, she puts some “poison” into the cup.
Servant takes the cup to Daima who is sitting in the main hall; she sips teas and soon starts feeling dizzy…
Part 2

Bedroom scene with Daima lying in bed surrounded by family and doctor
Dev is asking the doctor, what has happened to daima and the doctor replies that “her vocal cords are completely damaged, she will not be able to speak again” Dev looks at other family members with a worried look on his face..and Barkha is saying to herself ” this naukarani (referring to daima) will not talk again because of the medicine I gave her, this is her punishment for questioning me”‘There is a look between BB and Barkha..BB realizing what Barkha must have done.

Scene changes
 kids are shown sitting with a guru (same kids that were playing in the previous episode and had found Radhika’s kanha locket)and asking that “god sees everything’.good and bad”‘And the guru continues ” nobody can escape from their deeds in the eyes of god, in god’s court, truth and good will always prevail and win over the evil”
This part they are trying to show the passing of time”
(background voice saying that after Radhika left, Barkha tried to come close to Dev in many different ways, but was unsuccessful)
In PH:
Dev is walking down the stairs and Barkha is standing holding a handkerchief for Dev. Dev just takes the handerchief, without looking at Barkha and leaves.
Dev is driving around looking for Radhika (voice over continues saying that although Dev was getting angrier at Radhika’s behavior of leaving the house, he did not stop looking for Radhika)
In Gurukul:
Kids continue, “there are so many bad things happenings in front of kanha’s eyes and how come kanha is just watching all this and not doing anything about it?”‘.and the teacher says “all this is kanha’s maya”..
In PH:
(Padma, Dev, barkha, Mohini, Padma and Gopaldas present)
Padma is telling Gopaldas that kanha’s murti in their temple has been damaged, but fortunately that Radhika’s kanha nurti is there so that we can continue to do pooja. Gopaldas is advising that we should discuss this with math people to find a solution, and Mohini very promptly intervenes that “whatever, it still means that some “apshakun” has occurred”‘everyone except Barkha is worried.
(voice over continues’everyone is wondering and worried about that apshakun has occurred, but no body has realized that this has happened because of “adharma” that occurred in the PH)
Kid continues hat in Geeta it says, that whenever there is adharma and bad things happening< kanha comes to the earth in a new avatar “‘teacher it pleased at what Govind said and asks him about the kanha locket the kid is wearing that where he got this beautiful locket’,…The kid takes the teacher to the site and says everytime I come to this site, I hear someone crying”…Although teacher tries to convey that this may be due to the sound of the wind etc, the kid says that it is possible it is due to someone really crying,…it is really someone’s cry that is suggesting that injustice has happened and the perpetuator has not been punished.
(Voice over stating that Barkha is using her power as a RPtain, but is not able to come close to Dev)
Dev is sitting on the bed in deep thought, worried and Barkha enters, trying to get close to Dev..Dev gets up and walks away. Barkha starts “Dev, a month has passed. You are forgetting everything around you; you are only doing one of the two things’,…either doing RP work or going out to look for Radhika. Radhika has obviously forgotten you and that is why she has not returned. It is time for you to forget her and move on”..Dev just looks blankly at some papers and as Barkha continues, he just turns and walks away… Barkha getting frustrated mumbles to herself that “Dev, you will only stop searching for Radhika, when you find out that Radhika is dead. And you will get that information tomorrow, and then you will become mine forever”.
Part 3
PH temple (daima and Dev)
The day begins with Dev praying near the altar and Daima walks in, trying to console Dev. Dev who appears really distraught, broken’says to Daima “This kanha has been Radhika’s giding force all her life. Kanha knows Radhika better than I do. He must surely know where Radhika is. Today is Radhashtami and it is 12 years to our marriage. Although I never believed in the childhood marriage, Radhika always believed in it. In last one month, Radhika did not even once call and inquire about me. But what about today, even today’.she will not call? Isn’t this day important to her”. Then turning and looking at Kanha he vows, “I am going to go look for Radhika, whether I find her or not”‘and he turns and leaves. Daima haas a very serene smile on her face’and prays to knaha. The conch sound in the background.
Barkha’s cottage:
Barkha is walking in mumbling “12 years ago, this was the day of Dev-radhika marriage, and so today is the day when I will make Dev mine and forever, make Dev forget Radhika” and start writing a note’a note from Radhika to Dev, a “suicide note” that states that I am a culprit for doubting my best friend. I have done lot of bad things, so I am ending my life. I want you to accept Barkha as your wife and that will allow me to die in peace” Barkha is gloating that “it is good that I tried to copy your handwriting in childhood and am making that to use. When Dev will read this note, he will stop looking for Radhika and he will be so distraught that he will become mine”..
The kid Govind overhears two pundits talking that today is an auspicious day and those who get married on such a day are together for many lives’and kid is asking his mother the meaning of the conversation. To which his mother replies that it means that nothing can separate those who become one on such an auspicious day. Kid continues, you know, I still hear a sound of cry from the site where I found the locket’
Kid is praying in front of Radha ‘Krishna idol (background score of krishnaya-govindaya..gopijana vallabhaya) and takes out his kanha locket and puts in at the feet of the idol.
Padma is asking where is Dev and to which Barkha, making a face replies, that just like everyday he has gone to look for Radhika. Just then Dev walks in and Padma is chiding Dev where he was, and that there are things to be done like giving dan..and Dev says I have never neglected my RP duties. And Padma continues, and it is all because of Barkha, that she has really stepped up and taken her responsibilities seriously and how well she is performing all her duties. Dev just looks blankly at them and then all go to perform the “dan”.
Padma looks at the things present and turns and asks Barkha, where the money is along with clothes, the tradition is to give money also in dan. Barkha says that giving money makes people lazy and so she has decided that from now on, no money will be given in dan. Padma looks at her puzzled, but then agrees with Barkha.
While Dev is performing his duties of giving the clothes in “dan”, BB comes and stands next to Barkha saying,.’Dev is doing all this for Radhika, what if Radhika really returns?” Barkha states: Radhika will never return” and BB asks how can she be so sure; to which Barkha replies: “because I am who I am”‘…The camera also zooms on to Virat, who is observing this conversation with a smile on his face’.
A local villager comes and says to Dev that he is bringing a request from nearby villagers to build a hospital in their village. Dev indicates that Rptain is looking over that aspect of things and Barkha comes forward to take the request that she will be happy to fulfill this request and will personally look over the work of building the hospital. Dev appears pleased at her response, but BB and Virat are unhappy. Virat comes forward saying that the RP trust does not have enough money for this work. Barkha gives him a deadly glance, but turning to the villager with a saccharine smile, tells him that the work will be done and asks him to leave. Turning back to Virat she says, “who are you to interrupt me. Once I make a decision it is final” and asks him to go and get the accounting files.
BB and Virat are walking back and BB comments that this Barkha is becoming intolerable; Radhika was much better than her. Hope that she returns with her proof against Barkha”
Math scene:
Everyone is dancing and swaying to the music of “hare Krishna, hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna’” including the kid Govind. And a hand is shown picking up the kanha locket that was placed at the feet of the Radha-Krishna feet. Kid Govind opens his eyes, and sees that the locket is now missing…the screen freezes on the Radha-Krishna idol’
Dev is shown reading a note that says “I will rerutn on October 11 at 8:00 pm”‘the clock strikes 8 with govind gopal score in the background and turns to see Radhika entering through the door’.

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