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Friday 5 August 2011

choti bahu 4 august 2011 written updates,choti bahu serial updates

In the biginning of the episode,Radhika hugs Barkha and Dev comes up from behind. Radhika slowly raises her eyes and sees Dev standing smiling at her. She smiles back shyly and they both continue looking at each other. Barkha mutters that earlier she won’t hug me but now she won’t stop hugging me. Radhika comes down to earth and stops hugging Barkha. She is blushing now. Barkha looks and realizes that Dev is standing there and passes a comment. Everyone realizes what was happening. Shanti glares, Chanda is not happy, Mansaram smiles, Padma looks towards Dev and smiles and Radhika with a shy smile, head lowered keeps on blushing. Barkha then pinches her and Radhika blushes more. Dev comes up from behind and stands next to Radhika. Then dadaji starts talking to Shanti who is very apprehensive. Dadaji says that you are the eldest lady member of this house so I should be talking to you about all this (in the meantime Dev is gazing adoringly at Radhika who is blushing and keeping her eyes down. Radhika is standing between Dev and Barkha. Then Barkha taps Dev on his shoulder and Dev turns his head thinking that Radhika has tapped him and then realizes that Barkha is teasing them,..so he makes a stern face and Radhika sees what is happening and gives a bemused look to Barkha)’.Dadaji continues telling Shanti that Mansaramji must have told you about this situation that we have , that Dev and Radhika have been in love for a long time . and that he wants to make Radhika the DIL of Purohit house (Dev again looks at Radhika who looks back at him smiling shyly from the corner of her eyes and then lowers her eyes blushing profusely).He has come for the roka (engagement) and he will leave only after the date of marriage has been settled (Shanti again nodding not too pleased and Chanda making faces. Dev continues his gazing and Radhika is blushing). Mansaram folds his hands and tells dadaji that he has not done any preparation for this Roka ceremony  and dadaji continues that one does not need to make preparations for happy occasions and tells a proverb that loosely translates to having a good heart is enough. Barkha becomes happy that she has got another proverb and Padma tells her to do what, to use it wrongly? Dadaji continues that give some money in Dev’s hand and bless him, that will be enough. They all go inside and Padma gives Radhika new clothes to wear as Shagun. Radhika is hesitating and Barkha takes her inside to help her getting dressed. Shanti and Chanda throw angry glares at Radhika. Then Mansaram signs to Shanti to get something to eat and drink and Shanti and Chanda leave. Shanti makes tea and gives it to Chanda to serve it to the guest and Chanda starts shouting that how can she do this, Dev babu was supposed to get married to her and not Radhika. Shanti tells her to be quiet and then tells that she cannot do anything. When the proposal happened the situation was different, they all thought that Dev was an orphan who lives in the Purohit family. But now Dev is going to become the Rajpurohit and being a weaver’s daughter she should not dream about things that can never happen. Then consoles her saying that Radhika has given them enough pain and for that she will never be able to leave peacefully. Chanda says what problems she will have, even her step Mom thinks that Dev and Radhika’s pair is like that of Kanha and Radharani. Shanti continues that Radhika might be Radharani but she cannot be Rukmini, Kanhas wife.
In another room Radhika is dressed up in pink colour lehenga and Barkha asks her whether she has another pair of ear rings because the one she is wearing are not matching with the lehenga. Radhika says no . Barkha gives her the ones that she was wearing. Radhika refuses saying that these earrings are yours. Barkha says when did this mine and yours happen between us? What is yours is mine and what is mine is yours and Barkha again says a proverb hearing which Radhika smiles a bit and Barkha says thank God that you have smiled. Barkha continues that she will go and tell Dev that to hold his heart in his hands because today his hear will get wounded looking at her . Barkha continues that as soon as you heard Dev your cheeks have got a tinge of red . There is a knock on the door and Barkha tells Radhika to put the bindi and she will see who is at the door. Barkha opens the door and dadaji is standing there. Radhika invites him inside and dadaji compliments her saying that today our Choti Bahu is looking very pretty. Radhika blushes. Barkha says that I have dressed her up and dadaji tells her that one does not have to dress up a diamond, a diamond is a diamond . Barkha complains that her hard work is of no value? Will she not get any credit? Dadji tells her that she has lots of credit in their happiness and he is wondering what will happen if Barkha leaves and then turns towards Radhika and asks her what is your opinion Choti Bahu ? What do you think about Mangal . Barkha says Mangal, is he handsome and dadaji replies yes he is but does not look so . Dadaji continues that Mangal is always horizontal on the ground because he is the gardener. Then dadaji and Radhika start laughing and Barkha says now you have to find a guy for me and I won’t leave until you find one. Dadaji says that we don’t want you to leave and then tells Barkha to bring Radhika because everyone is waiting for her.
Barkha brings in Radhika who slowly walks in with her head lowered. Dev sees her and slowly looks at her from her feet up to her head and continues gazing at her with an intense look. Barkha sees this and remarks that where has Dev disappeared. Hearing this Radhika gets surprised and raises her head and her eyes falls on Dev gazing at her. She smiles and lowers her gaze and pinches Barkha who shouts ouch. Padma asks what is the matter? Barkha says nothing chotima, Mrs. Ant has bitten me. Padma says Mrs. Ant? Barkha looks at Dev and says I was teasing Mr. Ant and then looks at Radhika and says that is why Mrs Ant got angry. Everyone is smiling excepting for Shanti who is glaring and Chanda who is making faces. Padma asks Dev and Radhika to sit down. Dev quietly tells Radhika that she is looking very pretty to which Radhika blushes and smiles shyly. Dev continues looking at her. Dadaji tells Padma to put the chunri on Radhika’s head to complete the ceremony. Padma places the chunri and Radhika blushes and smiles and Dev is gazing at her. Padma then tells dadaji to put the tika and he puts tika on Radhika’s forhead and then on Dev’s forehead. Then tells Mansaram that from this day we have fixed your daughter Radhika for our grandson. Mansaram joins his hands and smiles and thanks him (Radhika blushes and then looks towards Dev who is looking back at her, Chanda sees this and does not like it and she looks at her mother). Dev and Radhika touch dadaji’s feet and take his blessings and dadaji gives a box of ornaments to Radhika. Radhika hesitates and Shanti nods at her to take it and Radhika accepts it and touches it to her forehead . Dadaji then tells Mansaram to bless Dev. Mansaram comes forward and applies tika to both and as they were going to touch his feet he tells them to wait and goes out of the room. Shanti mutters to Chanda that now what other wealth has he gone to spend on his darling daughter and tells Chanda to go and have a look. But by the time Mansaram returns carrying a bundle of notes in his hand and gives it to Dev who hesitates taking it. Dadaji says that this was not needed but Mansaram says that he is a father so he should also be allowed to do a fathers duty and dadaji says ok. Dev and Radhika both touch Mansaram’s feet. Barkha pipes up saying that she also thinks that she should give something to both of them but what is the use because she is there herself in their life as a big living gift.
Then scene shiftedto Purohit bhavan, Virat is repairing a piece of furniture and Maheshwari brings food for him. Virat is very angry and he is hitting a nail on the furniture but hits his hand. Maheshwari tells him that she has done all this for him and it is no use getting angry. Then asks him to eat his food and after that they will think how to deal with this situation because they cannot live like servants for the rest of their lives and nor can they live with the fear that what punishment will the old man give them? (Maheshwari is furious). She starts feeding Virat when Mohini walks up and says that I have been searching for you for a long time. You tripped me that day and for that I have got this plaster and then looks at the plate that is in maheshwari’s hands and says what is this plate doing here. Virat gets angry and says can’t you see Mummy is feeding me. Mohini tries to control her laughter and tells Virat that this plate belongs to Mangal the gardener, he eats from this plate. Virat is furious and Maheshwari looks at the plate with a confused look. Maheshwari is gazing at the plate with a blank look and Mohini points to a chair and asks Virat whether he has repaired it. Virat says yes and Mohini says ok then she will sit on it. Then she continues with a very sad voice that I know that both of you have to live like servants but that does not mean that Mom has to feed you from the gardener’s plate. Virat glares at Maheshwari and she says that all this new to her and that how on earth was she to know which plate is for servants and which is not. Mohini tells Virat to come with her because she already has prepaired his food  and they will eat together. Virat leaves with Mohini. Maheshwari is furious and in anger stars eating from the same plate and then spits out the food saying that before she gets freedom from this servants life, she will deal with this Mohini first.
Again Mansaram’s house dadaji says that they should find a date as soon as possible and since Janmashthami is approaching, they should get Dev and Radhika married on that day because it is the birthday of Kanha and nothing can be bad that day. Everybody is happy excepting for Shanti and Chanda. Radhika and Dev look at each other, Radhika is blushing. Barkha distributes sweets but tells dadaji to take half of a sweet because of his health. Dadaji takes the entire sweet and Padma says that they should go because dadaji will make himself ill. Dev signs to Barkha who says that can Radhika and Dev spend some time with each other? Radhika starts blushing, Shanti is angry and Chanda is making faces. Dadaji asks Masnaram whether they have his permission. Mansaram says that Radhika is yours and that dadaji has the right to deicede, he has no problem. Dadaji asks Shanti who though not happy says yes. Dev and Radahika are looking at each other and Radhika is blushing.
Precap-Dev and Rdahika are in a hut like building and it is raining. Dev has a shy look on his face and Radhika asks him what is he hiding from her. Dev says that he has written a poetry for Radhika and Radhika looks at him with astonishment. Dev brings out a piece of paper from his pocket.

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