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Friday 7 October 2011

choti bahu 6 october 2011 written updates/choti bahu serial updates

Padma apprehensively moans to dai that Barkha has sacrificed and accepted everything quietly because no woman allows any other woman's husband to fill her maang with sindoor. Padma further continues that since Barkha has given up all her happiness for the family, she has in one way fulfilled patni dharma. Padma looks at dai and remarks that anyway Radhika has herself shared this sindoor with Barkha. Dai approaches Padma and states that there is a difference between putting sindoor in one's own maang and letting ones husband do it. Dai continues that a marriage is only completed if all the rituals are completed with fire as the witness and Barkha never got married to Dev, that was all a show but in order to prove that show as truth, Dev had to put sindoor in Barkha's mang. Dai laments that by putting sindoor in Radhika's mang Dev has commited wrong with Radhika because although as a Rajpurohit he might have given justice to Barkha, but as a husband he has not given justice to Radhika. She further rues that she cannot understand why Kanha is keeping silent and that she has seen how Dev is hurting. Dai tells Padma that she is now very scared that if Radhika gets to know about all this then what is going to happen and that all the Gods and Goddesses in heaven must also be dancing kathakali seeing all this happening. After finishing her sermon dai walks off and Padma is now very confused and scared about the future.

Part 2

Dev has got a bandage in his hands and he is sitting broken down remembering the second marriage with Radhika. His memories contain them both taking pheres and Dev putting sindoor in Radhika's mang. He remembers promising Radhika that he will always be a good friend to her, he will fulfill all the promises given by him to her and that from that moment onwards his life starts and ends with Radhika. Then he remembers when he was sitting dejected on the bed, Radhika walked into the room searching for his smile. Then his memories include him stopping Radhika from putting sindoor in her mang and telling her that this is his right. Dev further remembers Radhika protesting her innocence and that Barkha did all this to herself. Dev looks up and sees Radhikas picture on the stand and remembers Radhika telling him that Barkha wants him and for that she can fall down to any level. Then he remembers the doctor telling him that Barkha has taken in poison and he looks at Radhika's picture and says that although she has done such a lot for this family and for them, but this illogical fear has finished everything. Dev picks up Radhika's picture in his hands and says that whatever she has done, she is still his wife and that he loves her a lot. Then wiping his tears he says that he is coming to search for her. Dev is driving around looking for Radhika and he comes across some cottages. He gets out of the car and looks around. Seeing him people come to greet him and Dev enquires whether they have seen her. One man asks that who is her and Dev keeps quiet and says no it is ok. He continues driving and asking people. He gives description of what Radhika was wearing but does not get any answer.

Part 3

Dev is driving around and speaking to himself that where is Radhika. He then asks Kanha to take him to his Radhika. There is conch shell being blown in the background which is followed by Govind Gopal Radhe Radhe and the camera is focussing on Kanha locket where Barkha buried Radhika. Dev feels something and he drives to that place. Some kids are playing nearby and there are couple of men standing beside a bullock cart. Dev gets out of the car and starts looking around. He slowly walks backwards towards the place where Barkha buried Radhika. The camera is focused on kanha's locket on Radhika's grave and kanha's idol in the muth. Dev is desperately looking here and there and is saying to himself that why is he feeling that Radhika is near him (he is standing next to where Barkha buried Radhika). Suddenly his mobile rings and it is Padma bleating away that Barkha has done a runner. She was supposed to go to her mother's house but she is not there and that her mobile is not working. Padma palpitates and tells Dev to return immediately. Dev's expression changes and he turns to go back and the camera again focuses on the kanha locket and kanha's idol in the muth. As he comes near the car one of the kids shout out to him to pass him the ball which has landed near where Barkha buried Radhika. Dev is searching for the ball when the boy tells him to leave it and that he will himself search for it. Dev leaves and the boy runs and picks up the ball. As he was walking away his eyes fall on Radhika's kanha necklace and he picks it up and smiles at the locket.

Barkha is in someone's house and walks upto a chair saying that you must be happy now because whatever you wanted has happened and showing sindoor in her mang remarks that when Dev put sindoor she felt that she has got all the happiness. Barkha then sarcastically says that sitting in heaven Radhika must also have watched her Kishkanhayeeya filling Barkhas mang with sindoor. The lady who remarked yesterday regarding Barkhas not being married to Dev walks up from behind a screen and stands with her hands folded.

Part 4

Mr./Mrs X sitting on the chair drops a keyring and Barkha takes it to take out some money. She walks up to that woman and tells her that she has done good work and also says that there is enough money here for her to settle somewhere else. Barkha also warns her not to return to this place. After the woman leaves Barkha continues her conversation that she should not be this happy because she knows that Dev has done all this under compulsion and that Radhika still resides somewhere in his heart. Once Dev is under her control then she will also take X along with her to that house. In Purohit mansion everyone is standing in attention and waiting for Barkha's arrival. Mohini sees her bosom friend and jumps up and Padma starts telling Barkha off that where did she go? Barkha starts saying that she went to her mother's house and Padma snaps that she knows that Barkha did not go there because she spoke to her mother. Padma continues that she knows that Barkha is worried but that does not mean that she should leave and just go off, and that they were all worried. Padma then asks Barkha to tell her what is worrying her? Barkha tells Padma that what is the use? There are loads of question coming up in her mind regarding her existence and identity. Barkha is now crying river of tears that everyone knows that her mother was against this drama but if she gets to know that Dev has put sindoor in her mang then she will be shocked, so she did not have the guts to face her mother. Barkha says that she felt to leave everything and just leave but then she remembered her responsibilities towards this house, the honour of this family and her promise to dada and that is why she returned home . Barkha now says that all these questions are bothering her and Padma again starts bleating that why is she saying all this? Barkha tells Padma that she never thought that what she will gain from this drama and always thought that once Dev gives Radhika her rights in front of society, then she will move from their path. But now since Dev has filled her mang in front of society and God that means God also cannot ignore that he is now her husband (Maheshwari is smirking and dai and Dev are staring at Barkha).

Precap- Maheshwari in Barkha's room telling her that this is the right time for her to let Dev know about the mobile that Rdahika had used to record Barkha's truth.

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