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Tuesday 30 August 2011

choti bahu 29 august 2011 written updates/choti bahu serial updates

the episode starts with Maheswari  saying to Virat, “the real fun will start when Mudikhai will happen” virat asks will there be any ceremony when Dada g’s condition is like this? She tells “if its in my hands even before Dada g gets up i’ll arrange the mudikhai, so that even the society knows what his favorite Grandson has done!, married the girl who already entered the house as Rohan’s wife without getting married” She says because of radhika today we are living as servants in our own house, now the society will make her the servant in our house. Virat asks but how will we benefit from this. Maheswari says we will benefit but we should be careful and know about what’s happening around…saying she goes to the cubboard and takes a biscuit packet from there and even give gives it to Virat, but GD and Mohini just enters in…Seeing the packet in Maheswari’s hand he asks how can she eat when Babu g is in this state…Maheshwari says if they starve woulds Babu g will become alright?…but GD snatches the packet from her, Mohini laughs, Mohini starts her blabber and hints GD that there are more in Cubboard, GD goes to the cubboard and takes all the food items outside…Maheswari raises her hand at mohini but Mohini runs from there.
Amba is standing in Dev’s room, Padma sees her calls…Abma says i wanted to talk to dev, in the absence of RPji and as the future RP he has to take some right decision. Padma asks decision for what? Amba says about the evening mudhikai ceremony. Padma says even i am worried about that but what happened we have to accept it. Dev comes to the room removing his coat and he listens Abma saying…How can we give the right Radhika as Dev’s wife? Dev says why not daima!! he walk to them and says She is my wife. she has the full right and it my Pathi dharam to give her that right…Amba says u remember the Pathi dharam but u dont know the dharam of a son? u dont remmeber RP’s dharam! who is responsible for RPji’s condition? ( dev is restless and uneasy hearing her words)even after so much happened u cant see his breaking breaths!! u only see ur Love! i dont recognize this swarthi Dev….This is not that Dev now whom i raised…
Amba says he is paraya. He finally comes forward and says dont say like that, u know how much Dada g is imortant to me, u know i want his hand to bless me always u dont have to tell me that…but also think of from my side one side its Dada g and the other side its the girl whom i married infront of sacred fire, if i break the ties with her wont that be called a adhram, Amba says this marriage was done on a lie, even the sacred fire got apavitra …hearing this Padma shakes her as if not accepting…Dev is frowning as looking at Amba…Amba says u wont get blessings from anybody, not from the family and nor from the crores of gods in the heaven....
Dev turns his back and says We were told lies, but we thought it was truth, our souls were pure. and now nobody can question this Marriage as false…MY life’s biggest truth is this! that Radhika is my wife( padma has tears)…and nobody can deny this truth not family members ( turns back to Amba, looking into her eyes with stern looks) nor the crores of God sitting in the heaven.
” Na ghar ke loag, na swarg mein baithe thainthees karod devatha”
Amba says till now u we had seen the sanskar in u, but today u lost all that, its not ur fault its mine that i could not give u right sanskars and leaves from there…Dev stands with his bent head, Padma looks at Dev helpless and walks from there.
Radhika is at the mandhir of the house. She’s crying and asks Kahna not to punish Dada g for her deeds. and prays to make him alright . Radhika says i’ll the jaap till Dada g opens his eyes. Barkha leaves from there.
Radhika is doing the Jaap. Barkha enters Dada g’s room. she sits on the bed flows her tears, she says ” he trusted her so much but she broke his trust, she lied to him, she says ” to forgive her, but whatever she did was for the happiness of DevRadhika…u dont know in the childhood…she stops there and thinks of Radhika’s promise…and says it loud that Radhika took the promise from me, if u also knew that truth then u would also say that what i did was right…Radhika is doing jaap with taking any food, U have to get well DDg…
Jaap is going on, BG music is playing…a pleasant flute plays…Dada g slowly moves his finger and opens his eyes very slowly…Barkha smiles and calls out loud…GD comes in, she asks him to call doc…nurse comes in and Barkha runs to Radhika to tell the news…
Barkha calls Radhika says Dada g opened his eyes, Radhika feels happy and looks at kahna…she gets up…Barkha says i think the medicines are working and he will get well soon and this is all because of ur prayers.( Radhika closes her eyes wiht satisfaction and happiness, tears flowing from her eyes)…Barkha says he wil surely accept u…( at once Radhika's smile vanishs hearing that)…Barkha says i’ll talk to him, but u have to take ur promise back…Radhika frowns her eyes. because this time i’ll tell Dada g about ur childhood marriage…Radhika gives her a stern look holds her hand and drags her from there. The camera zooms to the idols of RadhaKrishna.
Radhika and Barkha are in a room. Radhika in tears…says what type of wood ur made of…dont u see because of our marriage Dada g had a heart attack, cant u understand that this is all because of u…and now u want when Dada g is conscious u want to tell him about the childhood marriage…Barkha i thought u as my best friend but what u did with me…Barkha says i did, i did as i friend, for ue happiness…Radhika asks Is this happiness, today Dada g is on death bed, my family is grieving and u call this as happiness?…
Radhika asks why u did this to me, why u lied to me? why did u say that Dada g accepted our marriage? why u made me to take blessing from Dada g by cheating?…barkha says i didnt think my lie will take this far…Radhika says ur this lie has made me sinful, adharmi, today because of u there is a mark on our realation which will not wash away…How will i face Dada g…The Dada g who believed me so much and today he doesnt want to see my face…I can bear all this, but the condition in which Dada g is there because of me i cannot see that…
Barkha asks Radhika to forgive and she didnt think that things will go this way…i wanted to bring happiness though this lie, but this lie has taken away all the happiness…but u only tell me Radhika u shall i do? there no penance for this mistake, what has happened! happened. Radhika wipes her tears and with stern voice says Ur right Barkha what has happened! has happened, but this problem has solution. The solution is that Mine and Dev babu’s marriage truth will not come forward. the truth which was under the ghunghat while the phere will not come infront of the world.
Barkha is stunned and says what are u saying, its my fault, and i’ll ask Dada g for forgiveness. why ur spoiling ur future,what u have got is after the yrs of penance, the right of ur KK’s sindoor. . .Radhika asks on what price? not on the price of Dada g’s life…Barkha says Dada g will get alright radhika! then we’ll make him understand…Radikah says even if u make him understand ur lie wont turn into truth…Barkha says okay it wont change, but the truth will remain truth only na? can u forget ur marriage with Dev? Radhika says i only know that anything on the basis of Lie is only adharm…Barkha says sometimes in life somethings are more greater than dharam Radhika!. Radhika says ur right barkha, somethings are greater than the dharam but today Dada g’s life is more important, and his that desicion which will save RajPruhithi… Dada g’s respect is more important for me than my marriage .........
screen freezes on Radhika.
precap: DDji( on the bed lying, very weak) asking Radhika( sitting on the bed beside DDg) how this happened, Barkha comes and says this is all because of her lie. DDg says but Radhika has to pay for this…and he says Radhika has to leave the house…Radhika closes her eyes…( as if she has accepted).

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