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Friday 26 August 2011

choti bahu 25 august 2011 written updates,choti bahu serial updates

IN The biginning of the episode,RP is holding the railings and muttering that everything has now been destroyed. Dev walks up to him and says very calmly that they got married only after taking his blessing and that they are not to be blamed. He continues that Radhika is his wife and she should not be blamed for all this. Dev continues that he does not know what was in Barkha’s mind when she lied to RP but he knows one thing that by doing this she has done a big favour to both of them and even if Barkha has lied  then he is very happy with it because he has got his Radhika .
. In Barkha’s house she is talking to her mother and wondering that what is happening at RP mansion. That first everybody might be surprised but then everything should be ok. She continues saying that Radhika’s Kanha should have handled it and further says that Dev is RP’s favourite grandson and he also loves Radhika a lot. In fact Chotima also wanted Radhika as the DIL. Barkha smiles and says that it will be interesting to watch Maheshwari and maybe by now some servant in the RajBhawan might have freed her. Barkha’s mother looks at her and remarks that does she think that after what she has done the Purohits will accept everything and whether the RP will reconcile with everything (Barkha is looking worried and her mother shakes her head as no). Barkha continues that Dev and Radhika have got married after following all the traditions and rituals and that she knows Dev will never let Radhika be parted from him
In the Purohit Bhavan Dev continues arguing for Radhika. He fires at RP that how can he question Radhika’s sincerity and truthfulness (Radhika has a pleading look) and that Radhika only decided to sit for this marriage because Barkha told her that the RP wants Dev and Radhika to get married. Maheshwari lands there (her hair is all over the place and she is every angry) and continues that she will tell them what else Barkha did (everyone is surprised to see her). Badibahu tells them that she had got to know that it was Radhika under the ghunghat but Barkha tied her to a chair, gagged her and then locked her in a room so that she does not stop the wedding (It still beats me how Barkha managed that). It was only in the morning that people arrived at the muth and set her free. Then badi bahu looks at Radhika and smiles sarcastically and claps her hand saying that Radhika was in cahoots with Barkha in all this (Radhika shakes her head in no and Dev is getting furious) and who would have thought that someone with such innocent expression would have played such a game (Radhika closes her eyes in humiliation and tears stream down her face) and that Radhika is a wolf in a sheep’s clothing and she has also acts like that (Radhika is standing there helplessly).
Dev walks up to Maheshwari and says that whatever happened we were not aware of anything. Badi bahu smirks and retorts that is he finding this funny? Barkha lied and gave her wedding clothes to Radhika and Radhika did not know anything? (Radhika is worried and Dev is looking at her). Badi bahu then walks up to Padma and asks her that she was present in the wedding but did she realize that it was Radhika under the ghunghat? Padma give her apprehensive look and nods her head as no and then Badi bahu asks the same question to Mohini who also replies no. Badi bahu then gets on her high horse and says that because Radhika was sitting there quietly (arreh do brides dance disco during their marriage…sorry I had to comment) and she did not let the ghunghat slip from her head, that is why no one realised (RP looks up) . Badi bahu continues that this is because Radhika is also with Barkha in all this (Radhika with tears in her eyes is looking on). Dev shouts at badi bahu to stop her ranting and that he is not going to listen anymore to any other word against his wife Radhika (and RP’s head goes up) and Padma tells Dev off for talking back using raised voice. Padma tries to control badi bahu and tells her to calm down and that RP will take the decision. Badi bahu charges again and asks her that how many mouths will she shut up? Padma is back to her apprehensive mode and badi bahu continues that if people get to know that Radhika was under the ghunghat then everyone will be spitting on them  and she also says that the RP in front of whom people are even scared to say anything, people will come and spit on his face .She further continues then you can go on telling people that because of someone lies this marriage happened but is this some kind of joke. Dev is getting frustrated and now he says in a very stern voice that Barkha’s one false statement will not change the fact that he has got married to Radhika, (further raising his voice ) and blasts off that Radhika is the Choti Bahu of this house (RP still clutching on to the banister looks up) and if the society does not accept Radhika as his wife then he will not live in this society .If marrying Radhika will not allow him to become RP then he does not want to become a RP (Radhika with a dazed look is looking at Dev and RP is gaping and shaking his head).He also blasts that he is ready to leave everything  and then Dev faces Radhika, turning his back to others and says that he will not leave Radhika . Dev continues that the vachans that he gave in front of the holy fire are the most important things in his life and he does not care for the fingers of the society pointing at him (RP is now seriously heaving and gulping air and now his hand starts shaking). Dev turns to Radhika and says that it is more important to him what his faith, dharma, belief and existence tells him (Radhika is looking at him) and that his marriage to Radhika has taken place following all the rituals and traditions (Padma with tears in her eyes in looking at Dev) and then with an angry look he walks towards RP and says that this bond of marriage is more important to him than any relationship that he has with the Rajpurohiti . Dev is in full flow and he continues that the relationship that he has with Radhika is more important than any other relationship in his life (RP now clutching his arm and chest and it is Radhika who noticed the change in him). Radhika runs towards him shouting his name and RP raises his hand and says no. Padma and all the others rush towards him only badi bahu and Radhika are left behind and Radhika is standing with a distressed look.

Now in Barkha’s house she is again back with her mother and saying that people in that house must be angry with her and specially RP because he trusted her and she has taken advantage of that trust. She continues that she will face all that because she is knows that everything is fair in love and war and that nothing is greater than love. The phone rings and Barkha picks it up and its Mohini on the phone. Mohini tells her that there is a big situation at home and that everyone knows that Radhika used wrong means to get married to Dev  and Mohini further tells her that they have all got know that Radhika stopped Barkha from getting married to Dev and now RP has got a heart attack. Barkha whispers to her mother that dadaji has got a heart attack and her mother’s eyes have become like rasgullas. Mohini continues that once RP gets well they all will punish Radhika in such a way that she will never forget it in her life. Barkha rushes out and her mother has got Padma’s apprehensive look on her face.
 In RP’s room the doctors are monitoring him, Dev is angry and standing there and Radhika is leaning against the door and crying. Padma is apprehensively looking at Dev, then the monitors and finally at RP. Badi bahu marches in and drags Radhika away and tells her off saying that what did she think that once RP gets the heart attack then there will not be anyone in this house to stop her. Radhika with a distressed look says that why is she telling her all this. Badu bahu continues that everyone knows what a big liar and drama queen Radhika is. Last time when she came in as Rohan’s wife then she also did drama and that by getting married to Dev she has played a nice game and till how long will she go on playing her games (Radhika is distressed and she is crying) and does she want to take each and every one’s life in this house . Radhika closed her eyes in pain and Dev walks in stopping badi bahu and tells her that there is a limit to everything and then tells her that he has already told her this and is repeating it again that he will not listen to any word (Radhika runs away in distress) against his wife and it will be better if she goes away (Badi bahu glares at Dev). Badi bahu angrily tells him that to remember that Radhika does not go in front of RP . Badi bahu walks off and Dev turns to look for Radhika. He realizes that Rdahika has run away somewhere and chases after her. 
Barkha is in the car and she is talking to herself and asking Radhika to forgive her and says that whatever has happened is her fault and she has lied knowingly and if anybody should get any punishment them it should be her. Radhika runs to the temple and tells her Kanha that RP should get well otherwise his follower will get such a bad name that will not be possible to be removed ever. Dev walks in and sees Radhika crying and praying that RP gets well. He walks up to her and tells her that she will not get bad name. Radhika hugs him like a little girl and asks him that whether RP will get better? Dev has a dazed look on his face and tells her softly that she has told her Kanha so RP will get well. Radhika now says that it is all her fault and that she should have understood.
Radhika is crying and saying that she should not have believed Barkha because she should have realized that once RP has said that his marriage is adharma then why he will give the permission. Dev tries to make her understand that she should not be blaming herself. This marriage happened because it was there in their destiny and if the marriage is adharm then would her Kanha have allowed this to happen. Radhika crying profusely looks at Dev and tells him that during grihapravesh chotima had told her that this house’s happiness and respect all depends on her and look she is so unlucky that as soon as she came in this happened. Dev looks at her with pain in his eyes and then softly turns her towards him and holds her face in his palms and tells her that he knows how lucky she is. Then with a piercing look he glances at Radhika and asks her that whether she remembers his 8th vow that he gave during their marriage, that he will not move back from any of his promises and that from that moment his life starts and ends with her (dai walks in). Radhika is crying and Dev is looking at her with a determined look . Dev continues that whatever happens they both will face it together. Dev realizes that daima was standing there and he says that he knew that whether anybody supports him or not he knew that daima will support him and he walks towards her and daima raises her hand and stops him. Radhika is surprised by this action and she looks intently at daima. Daima continues that today he also misunderstood her and that her loyalty and trust was always with RP and always will be and nothing is as important to her than RP’s name (Dev and Radhika are both staring at her) and that when RP gave him as a baby to daima he also told her to teach him about dharm, adharm, traditions and customs and what has he done today? Dev walks up to daima and softy asks her what has he done? is it adharm that he is not breaking the vows of marriages that he took in front of the holy fire. Daima continues that in order to fulfill ones dharma one has to rise above relationships and that this relationship is based on a lie and she will not support him. Dev is shattered and Radhika is distressed that for the first time a wall has risen up between Dev and daima and she is the reason behind all this,
Precap- Dev is telling Padma that he has promised that he will always support his wife and till RP gets well he will not eat or drink anything.

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