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Friday 30 September 2011

choti bahu 29 august 2011 written updates/choti bahu serial updates

Radhika comes in their room to see Dev taking out probably his nightclothes from the cupboard. But he doesn't seem to know where to look. When he sees Radhika behind him, he goes away a little and turns his back on her. Radhika takes out his nightclothes and gives them to him while looking hurt and teary eyed at him. Dev ignores her and turns to go away. Radhika holds his hand to stop him.

Dev turns back to look at her and tells her scathingly that he knows what she is going through but she is responsible for it because of her actions. He then confronts her and tells her that he is aware that she has sacrificed all her happiness and rights to preserve RP legacy, family prestige and dharam. But she should also know that Barkha too did a lot of sacrifices and even put her life on hold for all this. So doesn't Radhika have even an ounce of respect for Barkha?

He then asks her as to why she has changed so much. He is going to give her everything ' her rights, her status and whatever she wants but it would take time and won't be right away. Meanwhile, she should not do anything that would make her fall in his eyes. Saying this, he leaves angrily and Radhika looks with helplessness and hurt.

In the next scene, Radhika is in the kitchen cooking distractedly when Mohini comes up and tells her to bring juice with some glucose in it per Padma's request. Radhika nods and after Mohini leaves starts crying bitterly. Maheswari comes behind her and puts a hand on her shoulder in consolation.

Maheswari tells Radhika that what is the use of crying? Everyone is talking only about Barkha's sacrifice and seems to have forgotten Radhika's sacrifices. Even Dev has forgotten that. Radhika looks at Maheswari mutely unable to counter this as it is true.

Part 2

Maheswari touches Radhika's chin in a loving manner and tells her that she doesn't know what happened at the guest house, but she understands that Barkha has achieved two goals with just one action (or one arrow). She continues that it doesn't mean that Radhika should accept defeat and should counter every evil plan of Barkha's. Because otherwise Barkha would throw Radhika out of Dev's life like a mosquito is removed from the tea. The more Radhika falls in eyes of Dev, the more Barkha would rise and the more Radhika moves away from Dev, more Barkha would come near him. Then Maheswari tells Radhika that now it up to her to find a way to counter Barkha's evil plans. She further adds that Radhika is not alone and Maheswari is with her. Saying that she turns away with a smug smile (...Maheswari knows that Radhika is now deeply depressed and lonely with no one believing her and is going to turn to her for help...so she has gained Radhika's trust as she wanted for her own plans to succeed...)

Radhika goes with juice for Barkha to find the entire PF  along with a standing Dev . Padma asks Radhika to make saag for Barkha per doctor's orders. Barkha acts fake sweet with Radhika and tells everyone to leave as Radhika is with her but asks Dev to stay behind. Radhika is not happy and Dev looks back at her disapprovingly.

After everyone leaves once they have patted Barkha and Barkha has talked to them in sugar saccharine voice (telling them that they never make her feel that she is not their DIL), she turns to Dev and Radhika and tells them that they are not talking terms with each other. She wants them to forgive each other. Dev who is now under Barkha's spell and has forgotten his spiritual love for a girl who went through hell for him and his crazy family tells her pompously that until Radhika removes the poison that she has for Barkha from her heart , nothing would be alright. That things would only be alright once Radhika apologizes to Barkha wholeheartedly. Then he leaves without a glance at Radhika who is totally dismayed at his attitude.

Barkha is very satisfied and feeling arrogant at the success of her plans and tells Radhika tauntingly that she doesn't need to apologize to her. Radhika then confronts Barkha and tells her that it was a last minute decision to go to the guesthouse and how would anybody know about this location long enough to plan such an attack. Barkha realizes that Radhika is not fooled by her act and gets off the bed. Radhika also tells Barkha that she knows her true nature not because she believed Maheswari but because she heard everything with her own ears. Barkha tells Radhika that it is good that now she longer has to pretend to be good in front of her as she was getting tired of her act anyway. She also now tells Radhika that she would never Dev be away from her. Radhika looks back at Barkha in anger.

Part 3 & 4

Radhika then walks up to Barkha and asks her how she could try to snatch her friend's husband. Barkha then tells the entire truth. That how she wanted Dev for a long time because she wanted someone like him who could love so deeply, but until Dada proposed her name she hadn't realized that Dev could be hers. As Radhika's illusions totally shatter now, she asks Barkha why she made her marriage with Dev happen. Then Barkha confesses that she knew that Dev could never be hers if she had gone openly with her intention of marrying him as he only thought of Radhika. So this way she gained his trust and made sure that Radhika is not revealed as his wife in society. So now Barkha is his wife in society and also she has been successful in driving a wedge between him and Radhika.

She further continues that her list of sacrifices is so long that she has a place in Dev's heart. Soon he would forget Radhika and start loving Barkha. That even this family who used to only praise Radhika is now praising her. She further tells her that she knows Dev won't have a physical relationship with Radhika until Barkha's future is secured. Radhika's eyes widen at this as she realizes how much Dev is confiding their personal life in Barkha . There is some more blah blah from Barkha where she tells Radhika to leave on her own so that Barkha can start a relationship with Dev. Radhika slaps her and tells her this relationship between her and Dev was forged by Kanha. Let alone Barkha but nobody else in the world can break this spiritual relationship. She then leaves in anger while Barkha looks ready to make another devious plan.

Then everyone is at the dining table with Dev assuring GopalDas that Barkha would be ok now. Dai and Padma as usual have flip flopped and now praising Barkha endlessly about her sacrifices and how this house cannot even function without her . Their words  are as usual effecting Dev who is getting more and more brainwashed. Radhika is looking grave at this lovefest for Barkha. The only sane person besides her is now BB who has her own motives. Rohan's looks inscrutable as he is not participating in the conversation but is also not revealing his thoughts.

Then Padma asks about Barkha's dinner and Radhika tells her that she took it to her room personally. Just then Barkha screams and everyone rushes to her room with Maheswari and Radhika coming at the end. Barkha is unconscious and a doctor is summoned who tells them that Barkha is now ok but was given poison in her food. Dev is stunned and asks who prepared food. When Dai points to Radhika, he walks in total anger towards her and tells her that he never could believe that she would fall so low as to poison Barkha . Radhika is stunned at this accusation of murder while Padma and others stare in disbelief. Then at Padma's questioning, Dev tells them about Radhika's feelings for Barkha. Dev then tells Padma that this is not the same Radhika whom he had loved or whom she wanted as Choti Bahu. This is a different Radhika who has changed drastically and saying that he leaves in disgust.

Padma the flip flopper tells Radhika that she has lost all her faith in Radhika and from now on nobody would trust Radhika on anything. Radhika is so hurt, broken and in disbelief at Dev's distrust that she can't even say a word in her defense . Rohan is looking stunned at Dev's accusations and he has a compassionate look for Radhika. He is also one of the last ones to leave . He throws a compassionate look at her and leaves.

Radhika is left looking totally broken at this new success of Radhika's plan.


Barkha is telling Radhika that she herself added poison in her food. Radhika gets up smilingly and plays back the recording as she has recorded Barkha. So Radhika as usual after being down has bring up her inner strength and is going to fight.

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