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Tuesday 27 September 2011

choti bahu 26 september 2011 written updates/choti bahu serial updates

Episode begins with the talk of "pitrupaksh bhog". Daima and Padma walk into the main room with dev coming down the stairs and says to choti ma (Padma) that he just finished talking to mahant and that all the Brahmins will be coming together. Padma calls choti bahu to bring "pooja ki thali". Radhika comes in with the thali and Padma asks her to put a tilla on Dev. Radhika looks at Dev and is looking sad, distressed; keeps looking at Dev..hesitating. After a few minutes of eye lock, she raises her finger and applies the tikka. Dev is trying to look into Radhika's eyes and trying to guess what is going on with her. Padma smilingly tells Dev to bless another thali containing 21silver coins, which will be given to the Brahmins as dan after the bhoj, and tells Radhika to help Dev in placing all the coins individually in each of the small gift bags. Padma and daima leave and dev asks Radhika to come and help him. Radhika hesitates, tries to avoid looking at Dev and tells him that she has lot of work to oversee and leaves. Dev keeps looking at her, baffled by her behavior and then sits on the sofa to carry on with the task.
Barkha is coming down the steps, looking around to see if anyone sees her. She sees dev sitting on the sofa and doing his work. She comes down with soft steps (like a thief) making sure Dev does not see her and goes towards the kitchen (with ill intent). Suddenly Radhika who was returning from another place, sees Barkha entering the kitchen and wonders why Barkha is entering the kitchen in such a manner.
In the kitchen, Barkha is looking to see if anyone sees her; goes and closes the window, looks around wondering what she can do to cause problems. Noticing salt container, she takes that and slowly walks towards the cooking pots with a sly smile on her face, muttering "very soon Radhika, your "mahanta" will be tarnished, this food will be spoiled and then all the Brahmins will be angry and blame you only radhika. Wonder what will Dev think?" saying that she takes salt from the container and adds excess salt to one of the food dishes cooking inside the pot. Continues muttering "everyone always praise you Radhika,'.but now Dev will come to know that you are also human and humans make mistakes. Dev will take you off the pedestal and Dev will start having new feelings for me" ..Barkha has a smug look and is smiling at her own thoughts...and suddenly hears Padma calling Dev and Radhika to come to the kitchen.
Episodic precap: Radhika is talking to Dev'Radhika to Dev " I am trying to tell you that, last night when'" and just then Padma interrupts them by calling Dev
Part 2:
Set in the kitchen:
Part begins by Padma calling Dev and Radhika to come with her to the kitchen. Barkha hearing this, tries to hide behind the door. Padma, Dev, Radhika and Daima enter the kitchen. Padma tells Dev that as a RP he needs to take small portions of each of the dishes in a plate and praying to the ancestors, he needs to taste the food before this food can be served to the rest of the Brahmins'..Barkha silently escapes from the kitchen'.Padma looks at radhika and with a gesture of her eyes tells Radhika to serve Dev. Radhika takes small portions out in a plate and bowls and serves it to Dev. While Dev is trying the food, Barkha reenters the kitchen and wonders "what kind of custom is this that before serving the Brahmins, Devhas to taste the foood?"'but then feels OK that this way Dev will realize how bad the food tastes and will get upset with Radhika. Dev tastes a spoonful and then stops 'looking at Radhika---wondering; Radhika is looking down and not saying anything. Dev continues to look at Radhika and in a very gentle voice asks "what is going on Radhika, what is bothering you?"..BB enters the kitchen trying to gauge what is happening. Dev continues talking to radhika, who is now looking at Devwith questioning eyes; Dev to Radhika " Please tell me if something is bothering you or if I have done something wrong; but don't spoil the work". Barkha is smiling, Padma and daima look at each other with a concern, BadiBahu starts trying to put things together as to what might have happened'Dev continues "This could never happen, that the food tastes so bad"..Padma interrupts Dev asking why he is saying such things to which Dev replies that "This food is not edible"..Padma says "how can that be" and Dev continues "you all can sample the food, we cannot serve this food to Brahmins"..Radhika glances at Barkha wondering'while Padma and daima taste the food and agree with Dev. Dev turns and holding Radhika, shaking her gently and with great concern, continues to plead with her to tell him what is going on with her, what is bothering her. Radhika does not say anything and Dev turns to Padma and tells her we will have to think of something else as we cannot serve this food. Barkha uses this opportunity to shine and tells Dev not to be upset with Radhika, that she is only human and humans make mistakes. BB stops Barkha and says Radhika cannot make mistakes, someone else must have spoiled the food. But Dev says "how is that possible as no one else came to the kitchen". Radhika turns to look at Barkha and remembers how she had seen Barkha enter the kitchen and remembers also BB warning that Barkha will go to any length to get Dev. Barkha continues telling Dev, that as she will be the one serving the food, she will take the blame anyways. Dev looking at Radhika..who is just standing there looking upset, distraught, numb'not saying anything'and leaves the kitchen. Barkha trying to console Radhika, telling her not to be upset, such things happen..and that she will go and talk to Dev,'saying that Barkha leaves the kitchen'.

Part 3
Barkha enters crying
Dev asks her why she is crying'.and Barkha continues "I was feeling that something will go wrong. But it is not Radhika's fault. The "adhikar" that was rightfully Radhika's, you gave that to me."..Dev turns and looking at Barkha with a very concerned look asks Barkha what she means. Barkha continues "Radhika willingly gave up her rajpurohitain position to me, but she still considers herself as your wife, and puts your sindoor; how she must be feeling when the outside folks consider me as your wife, and all respect me as a RPtain. Radhika must be feeling so upset knowing that the person who could have been hers, is really not hers"....Dev says " Barkha, you are not right in your analysis. You do not understand Radhika and her reasonings..Rdhika will never think this way."'To that Barkha states " Radhika is my childhood friend and I understand her really well. I know what pain my friend is going through at this time. But she should know that we are doing all this to save the RPti"'before Barkha can continue further, Padma enters saying that Brahmins have arrived...Dev looks worried and asks about what will happen with the "Bhog"'and Pdma interrupts saying don't worry everything is under control and beseeches them to come hastily...Barkha looks worried thinking how can the "bhog" be ready, but has to follow the others
Main Hall
Dev, Padma and Barkha are walking down the stairs. Radhika is standing at the bottom'all Brahmins are sitting down for the bhog which is being served'.Dev glances at Padma with a worried glance and then turns to look at Radhika. Radhika looks down. Barkha pretends to smile at radhika who in turn gives a cursory smile'Dev is looking worried as the Brahmins start eating looking at their reactions'and then one of the Brahmin says "The food is extremely tasty"'and Dev suddenly ' all the tension on his face disappears and he looks relieved. On the other hand, Barkha looks shocked. Padma turns to Dev and says "Radhika is amazing, she was the one who managed to fix everything"..Dev turns to look at Radhika who is also looking at Dev with a very beautiful, hesitant smile on her face .
Bhog is over and all the Brahmins are standing and Padma asks Dev to give the "dakshina"..As Dev comes forward, a Brahmin tells him that this should be done by both RP and Rptain'Radhika and Dev are looking at each other and then Barkha steps forward in between. Dev and Barkha give the dakshin and a Brahmin in terms of ashirwad says "always be happy, "sada suhagan raho, ishwar aap dono ki jodi esi tarah banaye rakhe"'Dev looks very worried, glances at radhika'Radhika looks very sad and turns and looking at Padma leaves the place. Dev looks at Radhika leaving and is thinking'probably Barkha's previous words are what he is remembering'Dev and Brkha continue to give the dakshina and another Brahmin in conveying his ashirwad states that "Dev, you are just like your dadaji. You should do your kartavya and at the same time not waiver from the truth"'All the Brahmins leave
This part belonged to Avinash and Rubina for fantastic acting'..although Rubina did not have much to say, her expressions said it all'a must watch part..
Part 4
Dev enters the bedroom –Radhika is standing near the window lost in her thought, looking very sad (beautiful background music) ...Dev coming close…looking at her says "I don't know how to thank you..everything went fine with the bhog and the family reputation was also not tanished…" Turning toward Radhika, gently taking her hand in his..Radhika looking up at him with tear filled, sorrowful eyes..Dev continues asking Radhika to forgive him for talking to her the way he did in the kitchen..Radhika tries to tell him with her expressions not to feel bad about it….Dev continues…"You know that I love you very much. You appear to be very upset, very sad, and even when I love you very much, I am not able to do anything for you, because I do not know what is going on. Please tell me Radhika what is going on.."Radhika hesitates and turns and moves away. Dev follows saying—you have made me a stranger in your life; hearing those painful words, Radhika turns and starts to tell Dev that " I have been trying to muster courage to tell you that last night…" and suddenly Barkha enters and tells Dev that " we have been looking for you as Kothadakshji has come from math and wants to meet you"…Dev leaves leaving Barkha and Radhika alone….
Barkha (two faced Barkha) with a smile, comes and hugs Radhika stating that "thankfully Radhika you managed to get us all out of this mess. I had confidence in you that you would not allow anything bad to happen"…Radhika looks at her steadfastly and says "No Barkha. You did not have confidence in me. In fact, you thought that nothing can be fixed." Barkha is baffled at this change in Radhika. Radhika continues " I was very surprised that BB had confidence in me that I could never make bad food; on the other hand, you –who is my best and childhood friend, was saying that mistakes can happen"…Barkha tries to cover up saying "see, I had told you that BB will try to create a rift between and us and that is what she has done. You know me, I have a habit of blurting this out when I am under tension, and BB took advantage of the situation, turned my words around, praised you at that time and created this problem between us. But we know better and we will not let her succeed in her doings."..Barkha leaves with a worried expression asking Radhika to take rest…Radhika turns and is saying in her mind—"Everyone knows who BB is and what are her plans, but even in my dreams, I had not imagined who you really are"…
Dev and Radhika together in bedroom…Dev saying to Radhika..I should be thankful to Barkha, that she helped me to understand my wife's mindset...and Radhika thinks to herself that this is not the right time to tell the truth to Dev. I need to take Dev away from here and then tell him the truth, otherwise Barkha will find out my moves and will counter everything I say.:

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