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Thursday 18 August 2011

choti bahu 16 august 2011 written updates,choti bahu serial updates

THE episode starts with dadaji asking Barkha whether she HAS ANY OBJECTION to become Dev’s wife she looks at him Dev is frowning. dadaji continues will you marry Dev and Barkha seriously says yes Dev is very angry surprised shocked glares at her Padma starts how can and dadaji tells Panditji we have got the person who we are searching .Pandit is happy that you have got a girl you match the horoscopes Badibahu says to match the horoscopes we need to know the caste and other details for that all are frowning and unhappy .dadaji interrupts you should not talk without thinking Badibahu. Barkha is a Brahmin she studied in a gurukul and her name is Barkha Vashist. Dev glares and walks off. Barkha and Padma look at him sadly. Padma tells dadaji ask Dev once and he looks but does not find him he goes to Barkha saying you have lightened the burden in my heart by saying yes Barhka takes his blessings AND HE tells her to bring her parents today itself as he does not have any time .Barkha tells him her father passed away two years back in an accident and she will call her mother today itself.dadaji is pleased and Padma and Badibahu angry.
Radhika is praying to Kanha what is this misfortune the person with whom I have been married when I was a child for whom I waited all these years I could not put his sindoor in my maang  till today and maybe not in future also and is feeling very sad.  She bows her head on the table where all the puja things are placed and when she lifts her head sindoor is there on her head and nice good flute music is heard Radhika prays and then she folds her hands in prayer and the camera shifts to the smiling face of Kanha and praying Radhika

A car stops at the mandir and Radhika gets some ahsaas she puts her hand on her heart and she quickly finishes the prayer and goes out Dev gets down and comes in they cross each other and stop as if their love cant make them move forward their pain and their feelings bind them they stop Radhika’s chunni touches Dev and the song jiya jage soye raina in the background . and their pain love and feelings for each other flitting on their faces and when the line oh piya oh piya comes they both turn towards at each other Radhika with face down and Dev slowly with a happy expression looking at her and observes the sindoor on her head Radhika very sad Dev asks her wont you speak and Radhika says there is nothing to speak .Dev tells her your sindoor on your head is telling me something else and Radhika quickly puts her hand on her forehead she says this is from the Kanha and Dev interrupts her this is the indication from your Kanha which you are not understanding or maybe you don’t want to Radhika tearfully says its you who are not understanding Dev with a determined expression catches hold of her hand and says in a firm voice come with me there are lot of things which we both have to understand together. Radhika looks at him stunned he seats her in the car and brings her to the mandir and banyan tree where they both tied the chunari when they were young. He gets down and opens the door for her and quickly enters and Radhika slowly follows after waiting for a few minutes .

And Radhika remembers the day they came there and pundits voice telling them the details then they tying the knot together and she saying tie very hard it should never open she is slowly walking sadly remembering everything. Dev tells her this is the same place where 12 years ago at this Mansa devi mandir we tied the holy chunari and she remembers the scene It had no meaning for me but it had for you as we came here after taking the seven rounds of the holy fire and for me the seven rounds of holy fire was a coincidence but for you it was a holy tieup she remembers the happening of 12 years ago.Dev continues for you this chunari is the blessing of Mansa Devi which the married couple tie together and with the belief that once you tie it their marriage will be blessed for seven life times and you have lived with this faith for 12 years and how could you get this thought in mind that you will break this relation Radhika has lot of expressions of remembering the scenes she is sad This is a beautiful scenes as a determined DEv is trying to drill in reason to Radhika
Do you still want me to marry some one else look into my eyes and tell me Dev asks Radhika though very hurting inside closes her eyes controls herself and tells Dev in a firm voice you will have to marry someone else and Dev is shattered and frowns at her. He does not give up and shouts at her saying ok then break this chunri which is binding us together and one of the saptapadis in the background and Radhika stunned looks at the scared chunari remembering the Kid Dev putting sindoor and again Mangalam Bhagwan Vishnu and Dev says prove that we don’t have any relation once you untie this I will get out of your life for ever and go and marry someone else and Radhika shattered shocked. she remembers telling Dev to tie very tightly and Dev tells her if you want to break the tie break this and show me and both stare at each other in a very determined way Dev daring her to break and she indecisive but equally stubborn .She slowly moves towards the chunari looking at it and Dev also turns looking at her with a expression what is she really going to do it .His look of determination comes down little bit and omm chanting in the background and she tries to open it with a sad stubborn expression but it does not come she puts both her hands down and Dev bit relieved explaining tells her gently you cant do this he continues not only you no one will be able to remove it Radhika during our childhood you only said it should never come open this knot.why you want to do something for which God will not give you permission and Radhika again looks at the knot the sindoor on your forehead this chunari are the indication that our relation is forever and no one can separate us .Radhika with a stubborn determined angry expression tries to remove the knot Dev watches her there is the picture of the goddess on the tree trunk suddenly Radhika hears a sound and she looks up and then looks at Dev and then up and with a horrified expression at Dev and runs to him and pushes him as the tree trunks falls down and Dev narrowly escapes. Both look shocked first then look at each other Radhika with tears in her eyes shakes her head Dev with a relieved smile and then Radhika runs away from there as Dev wins the argument and Dev looks at the chunari intact on the tree trunk with a relieved expression. so God has given signal and blessed the couple.
Virat is shouting at Badimaa now we are getting phoolan devi as Choti bahu and what are you doing Badimaa shouts I can see and he says then what are yoou doing making tea and I am pounding the ginger just then Mohini comes and asks Virat are you pounding ginger and asks sasuma is the tea ready as Choti ma asked Badimaa nods and says then give me Barkha’s mother is waiting. Badi bahu says you are very concerned about her mother Virat is glaring at her Mohini says why not she is one in lakhs and she was the 1st one to recognize my intelligence. She then asks Badibahu to get tea and she leaves as Badibahu hits her head.
Barkha’s mother sitting in a white saree and dadaji says Urmila devi you are very lucky that you have got a daughter like Barkha she has made all of us her own in very few days and her mother says that we are lucky that Barkha is becoming the DIL of this house Badibahu gets tea for all. dadaji says BARKA must have told you the circumstances in which this marriage was conducted and it has to be performed on 21st don’t bother about the arrangements we will do every thing and if you want something tell us Barka’s mother looks at her and she signals to tell and her mother says as she does not have a father we want Mansaram to do the kanyadaan and all are stunned at the strange request.Padma protests how can we ask him to perform for Barka as Dev was to be his dil we cant ask and Barkha catches up saying I will ask him as I think him as my uncle who loved me like a father and dadaji says if he agrees then we have no objection and except Badibahu all look bit unhappy and Barkha and her mother pleased.
A person is telling all that one lady went to a Gauri Shankar temple and brought 21 packets of suhagan pitara(for married women) and asked me to distribute to all married ladies and he gives to all and last one he calls Radhika who is slowly walking in a thoughtful mood the person say wait child and gives it to her Radhika hesitates thinking despite being the suhagan of Dev babu I cant call myself so and this is from Gauri Shanker Mandir if I don’t take its an insult to my suhaag she puts out her hand and one hand comes on top of her hand and takes it its Barkha the person says I am sorry I don’t have any more .Its same thing whether you give it to her or me and Radhika turns and asks Barkha when did you come. She says I came to meet you and then exclaims how did that person know I am getting married on 21 and Radhika looks at her BH says just like this Gauri Shankar suhaag pitara has come to my hands your suhaag has also come to me and I am getting married to Dev on 21st and Radhika is stunned and looking at her Barkha says I could not refuse when dadaji asked me Radhika controls her feelings and brings a smile on her face and says I am very happy for you and Barkha is seriously looking at her. Radhika is unable to talk but still says I am happy for Dev babu I know you will look after him well .Barkha says I want to ask something from you Radhika says what and Barkha says my mother and choti ma are coming to ask your father to do my Kanyadaan The faces shocked one of Radhika and Barkha are shown and the camera stops on Radhika’s
shocked and stunned face
Precap; Bano rani badi sayani song and dance by the sisters of choti si Zindagi and both Barkha smiling and Radhika with a sad face. Mansa is also there.

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