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Tuesday 16 August 2011

choti bahu 15 august 2011 written updates,choti bahu serial updates

In the biginning of the episode,Radhika  says to dev “Please try to understand u will get respect of society as rajpruhit and its not correct to marry me” Dev says “If  the rajpruhit seat is the barrier between u and me i am ready to loose it but i can never loose u , i am promising it infront of god.”Radhika was shocked and with a disheartened face Radhika says ” I thought i know u completely but i never saw this angle of u. I didn’t know that u were this much selfish. For ur opwn happiness u are ready to break the last wish of ur dadji and also ready to break the hearts of those people who want to see u as rajpruhit.But please listen one word of mine i will never help u in doing this adharm.
Then Dev says, “why are u doing all this ”
Radhika with a gulp in her throat “i am living for my self and my people.
Dev was looking at Radhika disheartened and Radhika sees at her engagement ring and remembers dev keeping it to her hand during engagement and takes it away roughly from her hand.Dev was totally left heart broken.Jiyajaage playing at back ground and Radhika keeps the finger in dev’s hand Dev having tears in his eyes. keeping ring in his fingers Radhika runs away from there and Dev lookes at her heartbroken.
Then scene shifted to pruhit bhavan,

                                                 Dev was sitting in his room disheartened.Bharka watches him and comes smiling towards him and says “hello Mr.Dev!!!!!”DeV was facing his otherside to Bharka,having tears in his eyes doesn’t respond to Bharka.BHarka continues “as ur marriage date was arriving u are dreaming a lot man”. Dev didn’t respond yet. Now bharka comes to him and tells “oye hello! i am talking to u only,U are marrying Radhika and u are showing ur attitued to me.” and as ususal tells her proverb.Now dev’s tears rolls down his eyes and now bharka notices it. and asks him what’s the matter.Dev still sits like a deadperson with tears in his eyes and bharka insists him to tell the reason getting emotional when she sees the engagement ring on floor and looks at dev and dev had tears rolling down his eyes.

                                                        Dadaji ,daima and padma were in a room.Padma emotionally telling to R.P “U are doing the same to radhika dev what u did 12 years before to dev’s mom. why are u ruining there lives in name of sanskaar and in these 12 years hasn’t any thing changed?
Rajpruhit said,dharma  parampara will never change thay were unchanged since hundreds of years”
Padma:What is this parampara which always encourages wrongthings and what do u think dev wil be a good rajpruhit with our radhika?  No . if u seperate them both the result u get is two incomplete persons.
Rp:but society tells…
Padma interrupts ” now we have to accept this.  what did society give us and who minds abt it. we all know the truth we will let them know.”
Rp:now we don’t have any use on talking abt it. we have to find a new bride before janmashtami becuase his rajtilak will be on his 23rd borthday.
Padma:what do u think ? will he accept to marry another girl.
Rp:u convince him
Padma:sorry i can’t do it
Rp glares at Padma who silently lefts there with tears in her eyes. bharka is listening all this standing behind the door.
now  Rp tells dadima “amba u never denied my dharma, u go and convince dev and tell him duty of true rp please go.”
Bharka is still listening.Now she enters , dadima and Rp looks at her.
Bharka;what are u doing Rp, u are seperating radha from her krishna
Rp:that is ritual , bhagwan sri krishna also left his radha for sake of dharm and came to mathura leaving vrindavan and took chakra in his hands leaving flute now dev also facing those moments which krishna faced that day and now he too should decide for his duty only” 
Then scene shifted to mansa rams house,
                                                       shanthi continuing with her tantrum about Radhika and Radhika silently continues to do her work.and Mansa is silently listening to all the tantrum frustated, and when shanthi mentions radhika as chracterless, mansa gets up and shouts at her.Radhika who was motion less till then gets up and sees shocked with tears in her eyes.Shanthi with tears in her eyes continues “what wrong did i say, til today always u took away all rights of my chanda bcoz of her and today becoz of her only no one are ready to marry my chanda and i am ready to talk abt her like this hundred times.” Mansa slaps Shanthi. Chanda was shocked and radhika stood there crying. Mansa in a dejection leaves that place and Shanthi tells radhika responsible for this and curses her not get any type of happiness and leaves there taking chanda. Radhika sttod there dejected having tears in her eyes.Bhraka comes to Radhika seriously.
Again at pruhit bhavan,

 daaima is giving lecture to Dev about Rajpruhit ship . Dev dejectedly says “how much will radika bear, how much sad will god give her.”
Daadima:its true but she had capacity to bear all this.
Bharka:why are u bearing all this radhika? whats with that rp ship. u and dev loves each other and want to marry. others don’t have any need to know more than this nor they have right to know.
Radhika: a rajpruhit can’t think about himself only bharka.
Dev: my love was being taken off from me.
Daadima:any one was not responsible everything was already written by god. what we can do is to keep our dharma.ur dharma is to become a good Rajpruhit and for this u have to forget radhika.
Dev looks at daaima
Daaima:u has to marry other girl on janmashtami.
DEv: no daaima i can never imagine my self marrying other girl.
Bharka:Dev loves u a lot
Radhika:then u convinve him
Bharka:well how can i convince a person on a thing which i was not convinced by my self.
Radhika:why can’t u understand my helpless ness
if u were in my place what will u do
Bharka:me, i am ready to fight the world but will never loose my love.(omg is it any future indiction????)
Dev was telling daaima that he had no life with out radhika when rajpruhit comes and listens and says “dev”
RP takes Dev along with him to some ashram of abandoned people and tells him about their lifes and how their lifes destroyed becoz of not having justice. when dev questions why they didn’t have justice a woman from there tells maheswari never took a court and rp was not in a situation to give a court.. dadji continues to tell him that if u didn’t become rp then viraat or rohan will go on thei ways and neer protect these people and ruin all the purohith parampara and now u only have to decide what to do .Dev had a thought ful look on his face
Next day morning rp was looking some photos of bride. Padma comes there and tells “baapuji, Dev didn’t wake up till now, u please call radhika and make dev tell yes for marriage and then u see pics.. u only think how bad will dev feel if he saw this.”
RP:Dev will never say no.we don’t have time too dev should get married on 21st compulsorly.
Dev comes there “did u call me ddji”
RP gives photos to pandit and mohini takes photos frm him. Pandit says “all studied in gurukul and were very traditional”
Dev and padma seriously glares .
NOw comes badibahu and viraat bringing food for pandit ji saying him to find a diamond for dev.
Pandit ji says i brought all tha matches like that only.
NOw mohini became marraige broker bringing a relation abt some of her distant relatives and starts praising abt her.
Dev and Padma looks at each other and Looks like Dev was abt to cry but he was silent.
Badibahu too supports mohini telling abt that girl and mohini was eating where pamda interrupts saying “these all qualities are present in Radhika”
Mohini shows a serious face too Padma
Padma continues ” no other girl can even match 1% of qualities of radhika”
Rp:well said machili bahu.
Bharka cames there at the same time lost in her thoughts.
Rp: “i found a girl who was shadow of radhika”looking at bharka and calls bharka
Dev , Padma looks to the bharka
Bharka: ji daadji
RP: will u marry my grandson Dev
All were shocked especially dev and pamda of more. and the episode ended on dev’s shocked face.
Precap: radhika was shocked with sindoor on her face. Dev telling radhika “this was the same cloth which made our relationship 12years back and which was ur faith. break this knot and then i will go away from ur life forever. Radhika is trying to untie the cloth and dev looking at her.

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