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Wednesday 7 December 2011

uttaran 6 december 2011 written updates/uttaran serial updates

The episode starts with iccha,Iccha is  in kitchen,baba comes there n tells she has not to worry abt vansh ,he is here just b'coz of ur mai.and tells iccha some servant will sleep outside her room.Iccha asks him to tell dadaji to call anyone if he needs anything n also a servant to sleep outside their rooms also.baba tells he is going to dadaji's room he tells him abt this.baba leaves.
Vansh enters in kitchen n comes near iccha,iccha is so frightened,he tells he came for water bottle.Veer calls iccha,firstly he is not speaking iccha got frightened ,he tells her if its my no then i call u...he asks abt kahna…iccha asks when is he going to come,he tells he will come soon maybe in 4or 5 days.she asks him to come fast.He tells iccha he is remembering her n mai.he is feelng why didn’t he take iccha.iccha asks him to come as quick as possible…
Divya is angry on jogi bcoz he went to iccha without coming to taps house.she tells she don’t want to listen abt iccha.divya tells she is nto like him n she cares abt taps.
Iccha is drying clothes n one duppata falls down on vansh.Iccha shocked seeing vansh.vansh tells Iccha that he likes her wet hair n he tells he knew she remember everything.Vansh touches her.Iccha slaps him n tells she is MRS.ICCHA VEER SINGH BUNDELA and ask not to forget.She tells him she is quiet that doesn’t mean she is weak n goes away.He takes dat duppata.
Jogi remembers vansh n thinks to tell damini but feels she will be tensed n stops.In d night some new comes n sangeetha opens d door.Both steal some things.Divya sees jogi not on bed n comes down.Sangeetha n new man hides.Divya sees sangeetha.Sangeetha closes divya’s mouthwith hanky n asks her to give keys if she wnt to live.new man had knife with him.Damini sees this.Episode ends.
Precap:Taps n Iccha bundela house,taps gives yuvraj to iccha.Vansh comes there.Taps shocked to see vansh.

Monday 5 December 2011

choti bahu 5 december 2011 written updates/choti bahu serial updates

The episode starts with Radhika(Kanha) telling Balram that Barkha has now realized that Dev was never hers. Dev and Radhika’s love is strong enough to overcome any obstacles. To this Balram comments that but in this case, it was your test. And Radhika(Kanha) says that at times god has to do things for his devotees.
Balram continues and asks Radhika(kanha) whether Barkha has gone to seek help from her accomplice? and Balram asks Radhika(Kanha) to go and create problems for Barkha. But Radhika(kanha) says, no we did not need to do that because someone else will be doing that. Balram is miffed that every time, Radhika(Kanha) does all these things himself and he is left out of the fun but this time he wants to be part of the fun. Kanha smiles and tell Balram, how can I refuse your request, and come, I will tell you what you need to do. —-Virat is working in the muth and ‘..Kanha just smiles’.
In muth where Virat is shown digging a hole in the soil, he is tired and is resting under a tree when he hears someone saying “there is a lot of work to be done, Aaram ‘haram hai”..Virat looks up to find another muth worker sitting up on a tree branch and the person continues that there is a lot of work to be done and he can take a break in an hour when it will be lunch time. And Virat has to go back to work’..Then it is lunch time and Virat gets 2 roti's with a glass of butter milk for lunch. Virat is upset at being given such food and the worker tells him try to eat this food, after a day’s hard work even the dry roti will taste like nectar. Virat is upset and pushes the food away saying he does not want to eat such food. Just at that time Balram and Mathadeeshji appear there and Balram says “look, how Virat is insulting the food”‘ Mathadeeshesh is admonishing him not to insult “food” and Virat says I would rather stay hungry; to which Balram says this food then can be given to someone who is hungry, they will appreciate and give blessings. Mathadeeshji agrees and tells reminds Virat that it was his decision. Balram continues after Mathadeeshji leaves that, without food both body and mind does not work properly. But since you are punished for all your deeds (and Balram reminds him about all the things Virat had done), you have to do the work’.a repentance of your deeds.
 Dev is slowly walking into the room looking for Radhika, doesn’t see Radhika’.and looks at a single red rose he had brought with him and wondering what to do; sees a note pad and goes to the table to write a note for Radhika’”Only half a day is left for the night’Today I will give you your rights as a wife. We will begin our new life.with my eternal love..your Dev”‘with a smile, he puts the rose on top of the note’..And suddenly Radhika enters the room and Dev hears her payal sound and without turning tells her, “where were you, I have been waiting for you, do you know how hard it is to spend even a moment ‘.I was thinking’” and suddenly he hears Daima's voice asking him what were you thinking’.
Dev turns looking confused and sees Daima in the room along with Radhika’Daima continues to ask him what he was thinking and that he has never kept anything from Daima, so he should tell her what is in his mind. And she continues that she has brought Radhika to show her some jewels for tonight but Radhika is saying no’Dev comes and tells Daima that she can go and finish all her work while he can help Radhika select the jewels’..There is back and forth between Dev and Daima’with Daima telling Dev he doesn’t know how to select jewels and Dev saying he knows everything. Daima then asks her if he knows what is “anant jewels”‘and Dev tries to pretend he know what that is and then turns to Radhika and asks that you know what they are; Daima says whether she understands anything or not—I know that you want to spend alone time with Radhika’and Daima starts to leave. But Radhika(k) tries to stop her and Daima turns and tell Radhika not to pretend that she really wants her to wait.
Radhika (k) is worried ”Dev says I was looking for you..and Radhika (k) turns to look at him, Radhika asks him if he had some work for her’.Dev continues, ” I have a lot of things I want to say to you’..time is moving slowly’and” Radhika blinks her eye’.Just then a servant comes and interrupts their conversation and tells Radhika(K) that Daima is calling her because there is some work”‘Dev is getting impatient and tells the servant that Choti Bahu cannot come now, she is doing some work’but Radhika (k) interrupts and says that I will come soon’.Impatient Dev sits down on the bed, frustrated at all the interruptions. Servant leaves wondering what did he just say, it was almost like someone else made him say the things he just said.
Radhika was just about to leave and Dev gets up and continues that we had to stay away from each other for a long time’I am feeling every moment as a life time. I want to tell God to stop the time right now’while we are together”‘.Radhika(K) says to herself, “Please do not do that; if time had to be stopped, it would create too many problems” and she turns to leave. Dev interrupts her and come in front of her, coming close’and picks up an eyelash from her cheek and tells Radhika to make a wish. He closes her eyes (by holding his hand over her eyes) and Radhika blows on the eyelash. When she opens her eyes, Dev is no longer in front of her. She turns and sees him sitting on the bed and Dev says, “I know what you wished for and that is to have this evening pass quickly”‘He sees the rose on the table and goes to pick it up to give it to Radhika’.but she has disappeared. He mumbles to himself’.I guess I just have to wait a little longer..”


 In the kitchen where Daima is working. Radhika comes in and Daima asks her if she took out the jewejs. Radhika(k) just smiles and nods her head. Daima continues she is very happy today and Radhika says that she is happy that Daima is happy and changing the topic she says that she will help with chopping vegetables’..Daima continues that I am waiting for tonight and for Dev and Radhika to start their life together; I am waiting for Radhika to finally get her rights”‘.and she turns to see that Radhika has finished all her work and in a surprised and teasing tone she chides Radhika that she is also impatient and trying to finish everything quickly. Radhika(K) mumbles to herself that there is no way to escape from the situation —on one side it is Dev and here it is Daima. Daima continues that once you get your rights, my wish will also be fulfilled, I want to see a little one playing before I die. Radhika looks down, shocked, worried’..and Daima says that why you are feeling shy, this is what happens’Radhika mumbles that none of you understand the gravity of the situation’I am worried with these turn of events”‘daima is continuing to talk that the child will be the heir to RP family, he will playing everywhere including outside’..Radhika catches the word outside and makes an excuse that she need to go put some clothes for drying and is trying to leave the kitchen to escape from Daima’s ramblings’But Padma walks in mumbling “where has she gone, even her phone is not working”‘and seeing Radhika with Daima, is hesitant to proceed, and just says, I will try to call again.
 Dev who is holding the letter and the rose and looking for Radhika in the house. While walking down the stairs, GD stops him (and dev is trying to hide the letter and the rose) and tells him that there was a phone call from the muth and you have to go there right away to sign off on some important papers. Dev is getting annoyed with all these interruptions that are preventing him from meeting his wife, giving her a rose’.he asks the servant where is Radhika and is told that she is in the kitchen’he sits in the kitchen and is thinking of ways to go and meet her, but not look silly’he thinks about asking her that he cannot find a handkerchief’no no—how about I am not finding my wallet’.no no—and then he thinks of something and says this is OK”‘.
Daima is leaving the kitchen and while leaving the kitchen is giving some instructions to Radhika who is doing stuff in the kitchen’and as Daima leaves, Radhika heaves a sigh of relief, saying this is a strange situation’..Dev and Radhika’s relationship is considered pavitra and like Radha-Krisha’s relationship, and here Dev is trying to confess his love to God and Daima has reached up to the kids’..and Dev walks in with a bowl full of rasgollas’and puts in on the kitchen counter ‘
 In the kitchen Dev telling Radhika that he knows that she likes rasgollas , so these are from Dev specially for her. Radhika is trying to reach for the bowl of rasgollas, and dev is trying to get around and trying to take the rose and the letter out of his pocket to give to Radhika…..Radhika(K) is looking worried and suddenly Daima enters asking Dev what he was doing here, that he needed to go to muth for some important work….Dev says he came because he had to tell something to Radhika and Daima says whatever you need to say, do it soon because you need to go to muth….Dev looks at Radhika and then at Daima wondering….and Daima who knows what Dev is upto is smiling…Dev realizes he has no way out and so he tells Radhika to eat the rasgollas but to not drink the liquid as it is not good for the health….Radhika says Ok and Daima smile. Dev is still trying to figure out a way to get Radhika alone and asks if he should wear warm clothes as it is starting to get chilly….and Radhika looks at him and says no the weather is really good today and sun is out and that sunset is late today…Dev realizes he has now away to get Radhika alone and so he leaves….Radhika is releived
Daima comes to Radhika and says she is very happy to see Dev smiling after so many days…his smile is back….and then looking at rasgollas says, “you should eat those. Dev brought them specially for you.” Radhika tries to offer some to Daima to which she says, “these rasgollas are only for my choti bahu and no one else”…..Radhika(K) with her serene look says, “you are right daima. These rasgollas are only for real Radhika Even I cannot have them”…
Dev is at muth looking at some files with mathadeeshji and after signing the papers, Dev asks if the work will be completed in a week and Mathadeeshji says I need to check with acharyaji…I will call and check with him. And asks Dev whether he will be around until then…Dev says that for now he can wait, but he need to reach home by sunset. Mathadeeshji replies that sunset is 3 hours away…
Dev smiles and waits…impatiently…looking at his watch…smiling….gets up and walks to the window, looking at the sun, waiting for it to set….mumbling that today the sun is taking longer to set, and his mind cannot focus on work or anything else……Episode ends on Dev’s expectant face…

Radhika is outside putting clothes to dry and Dev walks near Radhika. Radhika asks Dev, do you think Barkha will be able to forgive Radhika? And Dev replies she will have to. To which Radhika asks, and if she does not then?…Dev replies, now no one can prevent me from giving Radhika her patni’s adhikar….

uttaran 5 december 2011 written updates/uttaran serial updates

Episode begins with iccha looking into vansh room,Vansh takes out iccha’s photos which he drew.Iccha thinks how this man knew all abt vansh.vansh looks out and iccha runs away,he finds her anklet n thinks he is her vansh.

Iccha in room remembers veer asking her to talk to jogi when she feels some problem there. Iccha calls jogi n tells everything abt vansh.Jogi tells he will come there


Sangeetha is doing something in divya’s room.Damini asks her what is she doing there,Sangeetha tells she is cleanng.Damini asks her to go out.damini asks her is she taking permission from thakurian.sangeeta says to her ,"who is she who ask me"then sangeeta goes out.


Jogi in bundela house asks iccha what baba,dadaji n mai are telling abt vansh.Iccha tells only mai believed him n stopped them from callng police.Jogi tells he will handover vansh to police.Vansh listens all this secretly.Jogi sees this n goes near him n asks who is he.He tells he is vansh n he knew why is jogi not believing just b'coz of veer iccha's marriagr.Jogi asks where is he all these days.Vansh again tells same story that some old man saved him.Vansh tells he is in this house only bcoz mai stopped him.Jogi tells he will take to police. jogi brings him down,mai asks what is he doing with her son.

Jogi tells mai that a dead person can’t come back.Mai doesn’t listen to him.Jogi tells if that vansh  who pretends that who is vansh, is in the house he will take iccha to his home until veer comes.Mai tells vansh won’t go anywhere,if he want he can take iccha to his home.Mai takes vansh inside.

Jogi asks iccha to pack some neccessary clothes n take children and come with him till veer comes.Iccha tells veer is not there ann this house is her responsibilty,she can’t come.may be this man who says he is vansh give some trouble to mai ,dadaji n baba.so she can't come with him.Jogi leaves.Episode ends.

Precap:vansh tells Iccha that he likes her wet hair n he tells he knew she remember everything.Vansh touches her n she slaps.